We apologize that we cannot add new comment in this guess book.

Nuriel - 10/06/00 08:35:53
My URL:http://www.nuril.com
My Email:nuril_udha@yahoo.com
City: Surabaya
State: Jatim
Country: Ina

Yok opo kabare kera ngalam? adhem ayem ae tah?

SykoByte - 09/05/00 08:44:27
My URL:http://welcome.to/incubus
My Email:sykobyte@inav.net
City: Cedar Rapids
State: Iowa
Zip Code: 52402
Country: U.S.A.

Just checking out sites based in Cedar Rapids.. Found your's in Yahoo.

Sam Nutt - 01/26/00 04:00:15
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com
My Email:nuttsm@msn.com
State: IL
Country: USA

Please teach me HTML, how do you generate this form?

Cindy - 09/08/98 07:56:47
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy


John Toomey - 08/11/98 15:28:30
My URL:http://www.inav.net/~jtoomey
My Email:jtoomey@inav.net
City: Cedar Rapids
State: IA
ZIP Code: 52404

Nice page, K!!

Gunz - 06/18/98 02:01:16
My Email:gunawan@iastate.edu
Phone: (515)268-0837
Address: 221 N sheldon Ave #2
City: Cedar RApids
State: IA
ZIP Code: 50014
Country: USA

What a nice homepage. Anyway, what's your password for the private site? :)

Donald R. Miller - 06/09/98 03:51:46
My URL:http://www.bigplanet.com
My Email:milled28@bigplanet.com
Phone: 281-376-6282
Address: 6711 River Lodge Drive
City: Spring
State: Texas
ZIP Code: 77379
Country: USA

First I grew up in Cedar Rapids and now that I am on the internet, I thought I would check my hometown. Attended U. of Iowa and received B.S. and D.D.S. Now live north of Houston, Texas. I noticed you attended college in Texas as well as Indonesia. We both have Iowa and Texas links, so I thought I wo ld introduce myself. Secondly, however, there is a business motive that you may be interested in or if not, perhaps you know someone in the U.S. or Indonesia. Above I listed the Big Planet web site (within a couple weeks I will have my own) but it is an internet based technology company with tremendous upside potential (will include e-commerce). Also the company financing Big Planet (Nu Skin International) will someday expand into Indonesia. It was going to be relatively soon, but with the political ch nges and unrest there, I cannot tell you if it will be six months or six years. You may have contacts throughout Iowa and the U.S. that would be interested in this, so here is another web site. www.nuskin.com. Thank you for reading this long e-mail. I will look over the rest of your site. Enjoy the Iowa summer. It is a great state. Sincerely, Donald R. Miller, D.D.S.

David Tegeler - 05/07/98 14:42:08
Address: 1060 17th St NE
City: Cedar Rapids
State: IA
ZIP Code: 52402
Country: U.S.

Wonderful picture of you. Do you like it here in the United States?

Tonya Ryan - 02/24/98 23:44:36
My Email:wayne@mclead.net
Phone: (319)365-3198
Address: 1805 o ave NW
City: Cedar Rapids
State: IA
ZIP Code: 52405
Country: USA

HI!! Your site is cool. I live in Iowa and my school is putting on a Culture Fair and we need speakers as well as ideas. I was wondering if you would be interested in any way?? Your ideas would be great. Thanks, Tonya Ryan

kiran gelli - 01/28/98 15:47:47
My Email:kgelli@frontiernet.net
Phone: you know that
Address: you know that
City: you know that
State: you know that
ZIP Code: you know that
Country: you know that

We want a bigger picture of BIG MAN

Anne Aziz - 12/08/97 16:34:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palladium/8120
My Email:andama@hotmail.com
Phone: ++31-6-51-35-35-25
Address: Regentesselaan 95
City: The Hague
ZIP Code: 2562 CR
Country: Netherlands

Nice hommie you have. Keep up a good work!!!

Mike Helmi - 10/03/97 16:07:41
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/Helmi/
My Email:helmim@norand.com
Phone: 319 362 1360
Address: 1654 18 St NW
City: Cedar Rapids
State: IA
ZIP Code: 52405
Country: USA

Nice pic Dadik. Nice homepage too.

Phillip - 09/04/97 11:38:58
My URL:/Athens/Forum/2386
My Email:phillips_letters@hotmail.com
State: Queensland
Country: Australia

Great Home Page, Salam dari "Down Under".

Greetings from Australia
Salam dari Australia

Susi - 09/03/97 13:27:29
My URL:http://student.uq.edu.au/~s000539
My Email:srekdale@lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au
City: Brisbane
State: Queensland
ZIP Code: 4066
Country: Australia

Boleh juga nih, HP-nya.

/a> Greetings from
Pondok Susi

W. Joko Amperadi - 08/26/97 06:34:37 GMT
My Email:w-joko@indosat.co.id
Phone: 7711361
State: JABAR

Suwe ora jamu, beli jamu aja.

Daysleeper - 08/20/97 15:18:12 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/daysleeper

You have been visited by the one the only Daysleeper

- 08/18/97 19:29:59 GMT

U look handsome man..... Many girls will be after u.......... Heppy be careful....

Murthy Patamalla - 08/18/97 19:23:12 GMT
My URL:http://www.texas.net/~patamall

Hope you guys are doing well. Talk to you soon. Murthy

chaya - 08/18/97 19:25:21 GMT
My URL:http://www.texas.net/~patamall
My Email:chaya_patamalla@ilexonc.com
Phone: 210-497-1333
Address: 19511 Battle Oak
City: San Antonio
State: TX
ZIP Code: 78258


Heppy Partiningrum - 07/13/97 22:50:07 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/Heartland/Plains/2040
My Email:heppy@ibm.net
Phone: 560-0058
Address: 2805 A Ave NE#11
City: Cedar Rapids
State: IA
ZIP Code: 50402
Country: USA

It's a good homepage

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Email: kustiardi@yahoo.com


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