Hi!... you are very welcome to write in your comments and suggestions regarding my homepage... and you can even drop in a line or two every now and then just to say hi!... And to those of you who have signed, thank you very much! Gemma

Jerry Hernandez - 12/12/00 16:08:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jerose87
My Email:n2wca@usa.net

Just browsing and great jokes i was laughing so hard its very funny :-)

Minerva Irene Viloria - 03/12/00 09:55:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Shoppe/6070
My Email:iviloria@hotmail.com

hi! nice homepage! do ckeck out mine...

rico - 03/04/00 12:44:48
My Email:rico_m_@hotmail.com

Just looking around searching for jokes.To tell u the truth your jokes need some help ?Thanks 4 d puzzles.

mar calamba - 02/15/00 12:54:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/calambamv/artworks.html
My Email:calambamv@yahoo.com

Guapa imong website, liwat sa nagbuhat!

diCieL - 12/15/99 02:57:13
My Email:dcl@dv.weblinq.com

u'r the greatest! thanks for being always there for me. thanks for being my best friend!

Nanett D. Hegg - 12/10/99 02:55:54
My Email:snhegg@eathlink.net

Gemma, I was very surprised that you have responded my letter.I was not really sure if you would write back to me or not. I was a Deriada and I married to a white guy with a last name Hegg. My grand father originally came from Davao, but migrated to Negros Occidental, Cadiz City. We still have some relatives and a village name after our last name.Also one of the Deriada's had just graduated from being a doctor and she works in Magsaysay Medical Center. Her name is Mai-Mai Deriada. That's my first cousins daughter.Her father works in Meralco in Sta Rita, Manila. My fathers name is Francisco Barbas, Deriada. He's fathers name is Roberto Deriada. I think this is getting to be a long letter. I'll keep in touch with you soon.By the way my father migrated to Tacloban City, Leyte. We are the only Deriada's in this town plus of course my nephews and nieces who is still residing in Tacloban. Nanette Deriada, Hegg

Nanette D. Hegg - 12/10/99 02:45:58
My Email:snhegg@earthlink.net


NANETTE DERIADA, HEGG - 11/02/99 18:21:48

I was browsing around the internet.I came originally from Tacloban City. My father came from Cadiz City Occidental. I've been residing here in States for 24 years. I hope I can chit chat with you soon.

NANETTE DERIADA, HEGG - 11/02/99 18:20:29

I was browsing around the internet.I came originally from Tacloban City. My father came from Cadiz City Occidental. I've been residing here in States for 24 years. I hope I can chit chat with you soon.

fred1 - 10/03/99 09:35:39
My Email:frederick_john@eudoramail.com

napakaganda ng iyong hp salamat at binigay mo ang iyong hp add......

Auric Perez - 07/08/99 12:05:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/pogz/index.html
My Email:auricp@hotmail.com

nice hp.. :) keep it up .. kita ko lang hp mo ke joel reyes aka daze ... :)

joel - 05/25/99 11:23:12
My URL:http://dabaw.iscool.net
My Email:otoy@pinoymail.com

alang hiya nasa hitachi ka pala .. di ko alam yun ah ! pero din naman nakakpagtaka eh kasi ang talino mo, na miss ko na mga lakad natin.... ingatz ka always:)

Romeo - 05/16/99 09:03:52

hi matoy! u do have a cool homepage... I like the love tests, the taz characters... but i really like you.. i think you are so cute... i hope we get to meet someday.. keep on Smiling! It makes people want to know what you are thinking...

Rey Manacio - 01/20/99 00:01:52
My Email:rey_manacio@amat.com

Keep it up kid, I like your HP. I think your ate is also cute.

Atsumi_Ebata - 01/09/99 16:51:04
My Email:pompom@pop07.odn.ne.jp

your homepage is very good! I had a good time.Thank you!

irene viloria - 10/30/98 04:07:01
My Email:iviloria@hotmail.com

Nice homepage! Bye!

Tyron - 10/08/98 07:30:35
My URL:http://tyron.home.ml.org

Hi! I was looking for fellow Dabawenos and found yours. Your frames doesn't work right. Avoid frames if possible.

arjay203 - 08/12/98 23:15:11
My Email:ec_audencial@hotmail.com

gemma, cute page...wish to chat with you except this corporate firewall won't let me...if you have IM, then i guess we can chat there...where are the viloria's from??? curios enough, my lola's maiden name is viloria. again, great page...amusing tests...my I screen name is arjay203...chat with you soon...

KPP - 06/07/98 12:36:45
My Email:fetcom@bellatlantic.net

yu hab a nice , kute and simpol homepage...

MARX LENIN - 05/26/98 07:33:22
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/pingava
My Email:quaddrokappa@hotmail.com

Frame's not working right* ... in terms of the guestbook part* ...

Socrates - 03/28/98 19:28:52

hello.........nice HP.Someone gave me u'r HP address so I check it out.I really like u'r jokes and u'r creative writings too.....keep it up!!!

Ben - 03/17/98 21:49:08
My Email:bestjob@accesscom.com

You have such a great HP keep it up!!!!!!!

Flamingo - 03/12/98 20:29:56

hello luv u

BATMAN - 03/07/98 19:11:31

laguta nimo uy.........

BATMAN FOREVER - 03/07/98 19:02:06

hi it's me again............now i'm the 41st59 visits to go

teaz - 03/05/98 18:07:04
My Email:teaz@hotmail.com

woaaaaah!! galing talga! ehehe...u know we chatted just once and already i can tell that ur such a fun person to be with and to talk to... sana i get the chance este honor to chat w/ u again...honestly i doubt u remeber me...pero definitely i remeber u! w chatted in #jeepney, reg. kc ako doon eh...anyway, honestly, great work sa hp...cute pic, btw. *wink...ingat ka lagi k!

ela - 03/05/98 07:11:54
My Email:flamediva@mailexcite.com

I was looking for some of my friends who graduated elementary with me but I can't seem to find any(I went to PWC from kindergarten til elmentary). Anyway,I love ur homepage...funny jokes & i love the essays. It actually made me think. btw, I sometimes rop by #manila w/ my nick flameDiva or babyG...i might catch u some time ps did u graduate hs or college in pwc?

BATMAN - 02/28/98 15:39:16


pio - 02/28/98 06:19:53
My Email:ernstv@att.net

it's cool!! i enjoy every moment crawling your web. i like your jokes and engineering. thank you Ms, Davao.....

gil - 02/27/98 20:12:01
My Email:villacar@students.uiuc.edu

It's areal fun. I enjoy surfing your web. thanks... By the way I was born in Davao City

- 02/14/98 09:57:07

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