Persia OnLine

Persia Online

I started the Persia OnLine as an ICQ list for Iranians on November 22, 97 when I was in Sydney, Australia. I maintained an ICQ list which grew to more than 260 members, but because of some complaints, I took the lists off.

Now there are many places on the internet to find other Iranians online. I'll try to provide a list of them here.

Yet still I believe ICQ is a very powerfull mean of communication. If you have ICQ 99 or 2000, you can search for people using the ICQ white pages. To do so, click on ICQ button on ICQ window, then select "Add/Invite Users", then "ICQ White Page.

Unfortunately ICQ has a major drawback, I believe. The user's list is not saved on the server, and if you move to another computer, you will loose your list. This problem has been solved in "Yahoo! Messenger" and "MSN Messenger".

Since I took the ICQ list off, I decided to start a mailing list instead. You are welcome to have a look at Persia Online at eGroups and join the list if you wish.

There are two related Yahoo! clubs which you can join too: POL and Persia OnLine. You may find more Persian clubs at Yahoo! by visiting the Persian or the Iran section of Yahoo! clubs.

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Iranian Friendship Circle

Iranian Friendship Circle

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