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Welcome to The Soria Collection, Marco Soria's Home Page

Center for Jewish-Italian Genealogy in Milano, Italy (I-tal-ya')

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The Soria Collection is my Apple MacIntosh Reunion database. Total number of names in the database (all of them indirectly connected, by marriages that occurred between individual family members) exceeds 190,000 as of April 2009. Not all family names in the database are jewish or of jewish origin.

You can also link to the (de)Soria family history, index to a private collection of documents pertaining to some historical aspects of my own family in the last few centuries

List of famous people and families (not all of them jewish) present in the genealogical database of the Soria Collection

Proposal for an interdisciplinary center dedicated to the study of Mediterranean populations

(de)Soria family history
Genealogie d'une famille juive-livournaise: les (De)Soria

You can also link to:

JewishGen (worldwide network of jewish genealogy),

I-tal-ya', the site of Italian jewry,

Harissa.com, the site of Tunisian jewry,

the Jewish Museum of Livorno,

the French "Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine",

the Italian "Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea"

the site of Italian family names,

Elbalink (a site for the island of Elba off the coast of Tuscany).

Link to JewishGen
Link to I-tal-ya'

Link to Harissa.com, the site of Tunisian Jewry
Visit the Jewish Museum of Livorno, Tuscany (in italian & english)

Link to the site of the French "Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine"

Link to the site of the Italian "Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea"

Link to the site of Italian family names

Link to Elbalink, the site of the Elba island

You can also view a biographical sketch, a summary of my research activities, and a list of past publications.

Past research activities
Biographical sketch


This site is a member of Shamash: The Jewish Internet Consortium

© 1996-2009 msoria AT unisa DOT it


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