Imagine a wooden wagon wheel with the spokes extending from a central hub to the outer rim. In this document our current state of physical science is represented by the outer rim. The hub represents a fascinating new concept of relativity which explains many of the currently unanswered questions about physical science. The outer rim and the hub are connected by many spokes - each of which represents an analysis of the assumptions upon which currently accepted science is based.
Because the new concept at first seems contradictory to currently accepted concepts, it is necessary to examine each of the historical spokes in order to both explain and justify the new concept. Unfortunately, the organization (and length) of this document is complicated by that necessity. The reward is that, once it is understood, the new concept is extremely simple, eliminates the need for all complex mathematics, and provides a depth of understanding about the true nature of relativity far exceeding that now possible.
The first section of this document briefly traces the history of the five major advances in the study of time and space from Copernicus through Einstein. Each step includes sub-notes on possible alternate explanations for the currently accepted conclusions.
The second section discusses how our current concepts of numbers, words, and mathematics have been developed through the ages, and how we tend to confuse the reality of our observations with those words, numbers, and equations.
The third section describes the revolutionary concept of relativity, with sub-notes which explain how the old and new concepts are directly comparable - even though the new concept may at first seem contradictory to the old.
Oversights in
of ScienceCopernicus Thoughts
Words and
NumbersThoughts Simple
and MotionSummary
& Example
ApplicationsGalileo Words Kepler Numbers &
and ForceNewton Einstein Mathematics Symbolism