My Links
just in case you are not yet completely satisfied and completely exhausted...
But don't get lost there - remember
about Me
and always see the Black
from the White!
Some Web Dwellers
The most homely of my class(MIPT/FOPF:1991-1997)-mates
Konstantin Anikeev: He
entered the Russian Mafia in the US (Boston Area branch) almost straight
from the kindergarten "Vishenka" (which
in Russian means "small cherry berry"). His present goal is to enlist everybody
from my class into his dirty business. You don't believe me? Just
look at him!
Maxim Perelstein:
High-energy physics and construction of web pages seem to be
his family business
Pushin!!!, or just Dima, or 'don't-say-that'
Sergey Kriminski:
A repeated criminal hiding in the disguise of a family man and art lover ('the real connoisseur of the real art'as he likes to call himself,hm...);
was allegedly involved in famous electronic cash forgery affair; also known
as "chervonchik"
(which in old good Soviet Russia standed for a bank note worth 10 Rubles)
Other outstanding personalities (MIPT graduates of other years)
Yura Kravchenko:
If you think that a man can not fall in love with a computer
brand or that they are not compatible check this out!
Matveev: 'Chelovek i Parohod' (the entity equally uniting in itself
the properties of a human and a ship!); renown sportsman - training his
flippers and hydrofoils all the time (he thinks "it's good"); hobby: development
of a boat on snow skies.
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