Updated 1/11/97
water rocket waterrocket Welcome to the water rocket waterocket
Home of the $9.99 launcher






Think 2000 cc's, 100+ P.S.I. and max. altitude=??? Think fun, cheap, easy and years of play for kids of all ages. Learn what this thing is and how I made it. Read about the safety aspects of this "powerful" water rocket. Find out who is responsible for this contribution to backyard science or link to others. Most of all, HAVE FUN :-)

Note:This is an old design, one of the first ideas for a launcher. The site's still up just as a historical note. I would recommend building a "Clark Cable" type launcher. Much nicer! Check out Clifford Heath's list of links for sites with plans for one.
Ratty kid in a yellow T-shirt

Questions, compliments and complaints to crawddady@home.com>Since nov., 1997 Last updated Jan. 1, 2004.

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