Curriculum Vitae

Last Name: Ceotto

First Name: Michele

Address: 985 2nd Ave. Salt Lake City, 84103 UT (USA)

Phone: +1 510 847 0091



June 2005- Postdoctoral Fellow, “Center for Biophysical Modeling and Simulation”, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City (Prof. G. A. Voth group)

2005-2000 Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley: “Semiclassical and Quantum Instanton approximations for thermal rate constants of chemical reactions”, (chair Prof. W. H. Miller)

    1. Laurea (M.S.) in Theoretical Physics 110/110, University of Rome "La Sapienza".

2000 TMR Researcher at the “Consejo Superior de las Investigaciones Cientificas”

1999-1991 Laurea (M.S.) in Theoretical Chemistry 110/110 summa cum laude, University of Rome "La Sapienza".


  1. M. Ceotto “Semiclassical and Quantum Instanton approximations for thermal rate constants of chemical reactions”, Ph.D. Dissertation Thesis (337 pg.), edit by “University of California at Berkeley” (copyright © 2005 by Michele Ceotto);

  2. M. Ceotto, S. Yang, and W. H. Miller. "Quantum reaction rate from higher derivatives of the thermal flux-flux autocorrelation function at time zero" J. Chem. Phys. vol.122, 044109 (2005);

  3. M. Ceotto and W. H. Miller. "Test of the quantum instanton approximation for thermal rate constants for some collinear reactions" J. Chem. Phys. vol.120, no.14 (2004) 6356;

  4. W. H. Miller, Y. Zhao, M. Ceotto, and S. Yang. "Quantum instanton approximation for thermal rate constants of chemical reactions" J. Chem. Phys. vol.119, no.3 (2003) 1329;

  5. M. Ceotto and A. García-Vela. "A reduced-dimensionality quantum model which incorporates the full-dimensional energy of the system: Application to the vibrational predissociation of Cl2-Ne2" J. Chem. Phys. vol.115, no.5 (2001) 2146;

  6. M. Ceotto and F. A. Gianturco. "Internal coordinate couplings and symmetry properties: The search of a conical seam in the protonated oxygen " J. Phys. Chem. A vol.105, no.21 (2001) 5197-5205;

  7. M. Ceotto and F. A. Gianturco. "Gas-phase proton affinity of ozone: a computational test of the experimental mechanism" J. Mol. Struc.-Theochem vol.543, 115-122 (2001);

  8. M. Ceotto. "On Berry's phase effects in gas phase molecular reactions" Masters Thesis in Physics (June 2000) (in italian);

  9. M. Ceotto and F. A. Gianturco. "Charge-transfer effects in the gas-phase protonation of ozone: Locating the conical intersections" J. Chem. Phys. vol.112, no.13 (2000) 5820;

  10. M. Ceotto, F. A. Gianturco, and D. M. Hirst. "Protonated ozone: Structures, energetics and nonadiabatic effects" J. Phys. Chem. A vol.103, no.48 (1999) 9984-9994;

  11. M. Ceotto. "Gas phase protonation of ozone: energetics and conical intersection effects" Masters Thesis in Chemistry (March 1999) (in italian).

Research Activities

Accelerated Classical Molecular Dynamics

Quantum Instanton approximation for thermal rate constants of chemical reactions

Semiclassical instanton trajectories

Classical and Semiclassical Dynamics (SC-IVR, FB-IVR)

Quantum Transition State Theory

Accelerated Metropolis Monte Carlo Methods

Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC)

Discrete Variable Representation (DVR) in Fourier basis

Ab initio calculation of potential energy surfaces: conical intersection and topological properties

Time Dependent Wavepacket Propagation

Honors & Awards

2005- Center for Biophysical Modeling and Simulation: postdoctoral fellowship

2000-2005 University of California at Berkeley : international student fellowship for graduate studies in Theoretical & Computational Physical Chemistry.

2000-2001 Fellowship of the “Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche” (CNR) for studies outside Italy

2000 European Union Training and Mobility for Researchers (TMR) program Fellowship at C.S.I.C. (Consejo Superior de la Investigaciones Cientificas).

1998 Visiting Student Fellowship at the University of Warwick (Dept. of Chemistry), UK.

1991-1995 I.D.I.S.U. (Regional Institution of University Studies) annual Fellowship of $3,000 for outstanding GPA in each academic year.

1991-1995 Tax-free applications Fellowship at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" for outstanding GPA during each academic year.

    1. Italian National Federation "Cavalieri del Lavoro" Fellowship (20 nationwide each year): full board and lodging during all undergraduate studies.

Teaching experience

Fall 2002 Biophysical Chemistry upper division CHEM130A (A. Arkin): Thermodynamics for undergraduate students in biology & medical sciences. Responsibilities included: leading 2 hrs discussion weekly, holding office hours and review sections, and teaching lectures occasionally.

Fall 2001 Quantum Mechanics CHEM220A (W. H. Miller): Principles of quantum mechanics for graduate students in physical chemistry. Responsibilities included: leading 2 hrs discussion weekly, holding office hours and review sections, and teaching lectures occasionally.

Fall 2000 Principles of Chemistry CHEM1A (A. Pines): Introductory chemistry course for first year undergraduate students. Responsibilities included: leading 4 hrs laboratory weekly, holding office hours and review sections.


July 2005, Santa Cruz (USA): poster presented (“Quantum reaction rate from higher derivatives of the flux autocorrelation function”) at the Quantum Reactive Scattering (QRS) conference;

January 2005, Berkeley (USA); poster presented ("Quantum reaction rate from higher derivatives of the thermal flux-flux autocorrelation function at time zero") at the Mini Statistical Mechanics Meeting;

December 2004, Perugia (Italy): talk at the Chemical Physics Section of the University of Perugia (by invitation of Professor V. Aquilanti); title: ”How to calculate thermal rate constants for chemical reactions”.

January 2004, Berkeley (USA); two posters presented (1:"Quantum Transition State Theory"; 2:"Semiclassical Instanton Trajectories: the right corner-cutting") at the Mini Statistical Mechanics Meeting;

July 2003, Lake Tahoe (USA); poster presented ("Quantum Instanton Approximation for Thermal Rate Constants of Chemical Reactions") at the XIXth Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Collisions;

June 2003, El Escorial (SP); poster presented ("Quantum Instanton Approximation for Thermal Rate Constants of Chemical Reactions") at the QRS (Quantum Reactive Scattering) Conference;

June 2003, El Escorial (SP): poster presented ("Quantum Instanton Approximation for Thermal Rate Constants of Chemical Reactions") at the XVIII European Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer (COMET);

October 2001, Berkeley (USA): talk at the Graduate Research Conference: "How to Mimic Tunnelling from Asymptotic Conditions";

August 2001, Oxford (UK): poster presented ("Forward-Backward Semiclassical IVR") at the" Charles Coulson Summer School on the Quantum Dynamics of Molecular Systems";

March 2001, Berkeley (USA): poster presented ("Electronically-induced Versus Symmetry-induced Conical Intersections") at the "Chemical Dynamics: a symposium in honor of Bill Miller on his 60th birthday";

March 2000, Madrid (SP): talk at the Chemical Physics Section of the "Spanish National Research Council";

July 1999, Bologna (IT): meeting and discussion with Prof. D. R. Yarkony about conical intersections;

September 1999, Florence (IT): talk at the annual conference of the Chemical Physics Section of the Italian Chemical Society; title: “Conical intersections effects in the gas phase molecular protonation”.

June 1999, Varenna (IT): talk at the Italian Chemical Society conference about "Structures, Properties, Reactivity and Dynamics"; title: “Conical intersections effects in the gas phase molecular protonation”.

August 1998, El Escorial (SP): Summer School on "Trends on Chaos Theory";

July 1998, Siena (IT): poster session at ECAMP (European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics); title: “Conical intersections in molecular systems”.

June 1998, Nijmegen (NL): "Second European Summer School on Trends in Molecular Physics";

December 1997, UCL London (UK): Annual Meeting of the theoretical chemists of the Royal Chemical Society.


Italian: mother-tongue

English: TOEFL (230/300), CAE (Cambridge Advanced Certificate), TSE (Test of Spoken English) 50/60

Spanish: fluent both writing and speaking

Portuguese: basics