Interest in music is sometimes quite odd.
None of my family members is playing an instrument, including me.
When music education in elementary school started, my parents asked
me if I wanted to take some classes, but lazy as I already was at
a young age, I didn't want to go.
Maybe 15 years later I wished they'd put more pressure on me
these days and I was able to play some basics now on flute, guitar
or piano.
I am still dreaming of starting a career as a drums player, just
like Richard P. Feynman started playing his bongos.
Maybe this is something left for my midlife crisis.
If I remember correctly I started becoming interested in music
when I was around ten by a good friend who was some years older
and who was and still is a big Beatles fan and who is playing
various instruments.
From there off I was involved with various types of music, much
German rock music in the early 80s and found my home about 9 years
ago with the Scottish rock band "Big Country".
Since about 2.5 years I am the maintainer of the Big Country
Internet mailinglist, and met a lot of other fans on the net,
some of which I met already in person, in Germany, Chile and
in the USA.
When I am not listening to BC, there are other musicians that
keep me alive, please inspect the list below.
This is just an overview of what I am interested in:
First things first: Big Country
Big Country - The Crossing
I hope you like it!
Big Country Book of Lyrics
The Entirely Excellent Big Country Web Page
Wonderland: The Unofficial Big Country Web Page
Big Country
And now for the rest in no particular order:
HOMEpage OF THE BRAVE: Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson's Green Room
The Piano Has Been Drinking
The Who
Herbert Grönemeyer
Die Toten Hosen
Tracy Chapman
and many many more
Further music related links:
The Vibe: War Against Silence
The Similarities Engine
) 1996