Music - as a passion

Interest in music is sometimes quite odd. None of my family members is playing an instrument, including me. When music education in elementary school started, my parents asked me if I wanted to take some classes, but lazy as I already was at a young age, I didn't want to go. Maybe 15 years later I wished they'd put more pressure on me these days and I was able to play some basics now on flute, guitar or piano. I am still dreaming of starting a career as a drums player, just like Richard P. Feynman started playing his bongos. Maybe this is something left for my midlife crisis. If I remember correctly I started becoming interested in music when I was around ten by a good friend who was some years older and who was and still is a big Beatles fan and who is playing various instruments. From there off I was involved with various types of music, much German rock music in the early 80s and found my home about 9 years ago with the Scottish rock band "Big Country". Since about 2.5 years I am the maintainer of the Big Country Internet mailinglist, and met a lot of other fans on the net, some of which I met already in person, in Germany, Chile and in the USA. When I am not listening to BC, there are other musicians that keep me alive, please inspect the list below.

This is just an overview of what I am interested in:

First things first: Big Country
Big Country - The Crossing
I hope you like it!
Big Country Book of Lyrics
The Entirely Excellent Big Country Web Page
Wonderland: The Unofficial Big Country Web Page
Big Country

And now for the rest in no particular order:
HOMEpage OF THE BRAVE: Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson's Green Room
The Piano Has Been Drinking Metallica
The Who
Herbert Grönemeyer
Die Toten Hosen
Tracy Chapman
and many many more

Further music related links:
The Vibe: War Against Silence
The Similarities Engine

) 1996

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