This is the first stage of making my own homepage.
I hope that I find enough time to present myself, mostly
defined by my work and my hobbies.
I am a 36 year old astronomer, doing optical and near infrared high
resolution work at
on Cerro Paranal and Santiago, Chile, holding a PhD in physics since
spring 1996, and am currently working as the Paranal Interferometer
Before I was working with ESO in Germany, and at the
Max-Planck-Institut für
in Bonn, Germany, doing mostly speckle techniques.
Below I give an overview of the (for me) most important
links to the places I work at and the hobbies I have.
I hope that soon I will add some more details about myself and my work.
Here are the main pages describing my job and hobbies:
Astronomy as a job
Music as a passion
Role playing games as an entertainment
Martial Arts as an exhausting self confidence exercise
And if you want to see some pictures of me, have a look here:
Me on Curacao waiting for the total solar eclipse in February 1998.
Me and Martin from Wolfsburg at the Big Country concert in Barrow-in-Furness in May 1998.
) 1996