Well, a bit about me then I suppose! My name is Dave Edwards. I'm a final year student at the University of Plymouth, in Devon, UK. I'm studying for a BSc (Hons) in Transport, which I hope will lead to a job in either operations or planning management within an airline. My thesis, which I'm in the middle of now, is on Attitude Scales to Corporate Travel Policies - a subject which grows on you! In my spare time I fly light aircraft (PA28's) from Plymouth City Airport; although as ever being a student I can't afford to fly as much as I'd like! Although hopefully this'll change once I start earning. I'm definately not a sad computer nerd (no disrespect to anyone that is) but am fascinated by the fact that anyone in the whole world could, theoretically, be reading this - although the WebCounter probably indicates it's not the most popular! I, obviously really, live in Plymouth, a great city in the South West of England with lots of history. Most people know it for Sir Francis Drake playing bowls before going to the Armada, but aside from that there are plenty of other things to discover. Apart from flying, I really enjoy the Theatre (my bruv, Rob, is an Actor - well nearly anyway - gonna be famous! - see a review of one his greatest achievements here), I play squash badly, golf even worse and although I really enjoy Cricket I play about as well as Mike Atherton on a good day. In Plymouth, I'm the Warden of a Hall of Residence at the University. There are about 500 students in the Hall and I have a team of 7 Assistants to help me (thankfully in a pretty thankless task!) But I do enjoy it, and hey, it looks good on the C.V! Family-wise there's also Mum and Dad (Teacher and Financial Guru resp.), Nan and my Grandad plus all the uncles, aunties etc. that only a Welsh family can bring you! Although currently there's no picture at the mo, I'm trying to get one on here soon. I've thankfully got a lot of good friends who are dotted about the country, but because of cost and time constraints I don't get to see them as much as I'd like - one day I may even venture as far as Bangor where the majority of my school friends have been for the last three years, without a visit from me! - miserable bugger eh?? That's all then folks. Thanks for reading this far, most people probably gave up halfway through!
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Pictures - none of me yet though, I'm afraid!
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