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Well, I've finally made the move! I've now got my own domain, so please go and visit: - my new site. This site is not updated at all any more - but then I've been out of Uni for over 6 years, so you can tell that! Thanks for stopping by though.
Hello! Thanks for visiting - amazingly loads of people have been to visit - why though I'm not quite sure! I have moved jobs again - ever onward and upward! Now I'm working as Project Manager for a VIP charter aircraft operator - really enjoy it, learning so much every day (been here over 5 years, which is saying something!) I'm back on the Internet now so I will attempt to renew my site as soon as I can - in the meantime, thanks for visiting! Please sign the guestbook!!
The Conservative Party - in 5 years you'll all realise the mistake! Or Click Here
University of Plymouth
Tom Gabriels Home Page - Hiya Tom!
Fr.Ted - The Craggy Island Examiner
Yahoo! Search - or fill in the form below.
University of Wales, Bangor - where Jon and Owen try to get an education (ho ho)!
Royal Aeronautical Society
If you've got any problems with the above links then, mail me.
By the way, you are visitor number , you lucky person you!
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