Abstract from my several scientific papers.
Synergetical movement in language (Ya.Svirsky - co-author).
It is proved that ontology of the world of self-organisation also pressuposes revaluation of classical concept of the role of language in knowledge. According to this concept language is only a means of sense "transfer" from one subject to cognition to another.
It is possible to realize this change of understanding in the process of "synergetical movement" in language. As a result the movement gets a form of active sensegenerating dialogues in which "dehier-archization" of transcendental conditionaly of statements, pretending to be universally true, takes place.
Synergetics: evolutionary aspect (V.Budanov - co-author).
Whatever the variety of determinations, there is an integrative motive for synergetics brought out in the paper: orientation not just to the cognition process of being itself but either the processes of becoming within it, whith reveals the sources of synergetics' specifity and its universal character in context of an appearing post-nonclassical science. Attention is drawn to a necessity of certain modification of rationality's classical ideal to regard all the epistemological consequences of a so-called "dynamical chaos" phenomenon.