The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.
Alvin Tofler

Tom & Louise's Five Grandchildren: Olivia Sarah Foley, Judson James Smith, Camilla Louise Smith, Anthony Kirk Foley and Irene Louise Foley

Irene Mistakes A Shelf for a Bench Photo 11/21/04

Louise and Tom and the US Capitol Building at fellow Texan George W. Bush's 1/20/05 Inauguration...It was COLD!!!

Obviously, this Photo was taken before the birth of Irene, Judson,Olivia,Anthony and Camilla! Click here for Personal Stuff about the Griffith Family

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Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Home Page
THE Place for aspiring pilots to visit before taking the FAA Written!
Railroad buffs, check out Doyle Davis' South Western & Pacific Headquarters SUPER Page
Take a look at this B-26 Marauder site

Here's a P-39 Airacobra site with many links!

Here's a great Dutch WWII site!
Check out Ken Shanaberger's fine aviation site!
Take a look around this site, to help restore a P-51-H to airworthy condition!

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