In Preparation of; THE NEST This is the Captain sending; As many of you are aware already, we have entered a sector of space previously unexplored by man, physically. During this short time since entering this new enviornment, we have become aware of health deficiencies in all crew members. And the explanation as to the cause of these deficiencies, also shows that man has been suffering from these deficiencies, to a lesser degree, ever since man recognized poor health and short life as undesirables. I'm asking that all hands review this report, and submit any personal insight to ship's science officer. With your help in implementing warranted adjustments, magnetic deficiency syndrome will be a problem for mankind no longer. Please note, it is in the recognition and resolve of obstacles just such as this, that we find the reasoning behind exploration. Again, this is the Captain sending, thanks. ---Concept 1, condensed/abstract; Magnetotactic Bacteria. Movement within earths' magnetic field thought to be instrumental throughout life cycle of typical cell. Magnetic bacteria seen as cause of cell division, and revealed hidden link in understanding evolution of the microscopic biological structure.--- WITH CAUSE, A THEORY, EXPLAINING CELL DIVISION. A theoretical report containing recently formulated concepts derived from scientific assessment. This report attempts to place its reader in the shoes of its author as steps are retraced which have led one to believe he understands the cause of cell division, and thus benefit from such understanding. The purpose of this report is to share, and lay open for debate, a new perception of medicine, past, present, and future. Dedicated to: Those who have, do, or will study, to any degree. If we allow the dead to bury the dead, must we allow those alive to uncover life? The following thought filled pages/concepts, believed composed by the artful manipulation of preconceived ideas, guided by reason, requires intense scrutiny and debate before any or all information derived can be accepted as fact or fiction. WELCOME, you are about to come in contact with a thought matrix. Do not allow its scope or growth potential to intimidate "you", its traveler. We will begin the journey through the matrix in the hope that the first points of reference are well known, and will give the traveler the feeling, as a child leaving his yard to explore the neighborhood. I will attempt to guide you on a predetermined course. please feel free to request course deviation to explore points of interest. Once you feel at ease, we encourage independent travel.--- --To begin, READ-ON, and thank-you for traveling; THOUGHT MINISTRIES, BY REMEMBERING, WE GET YOU THERE IN TIME.-- The following article is from; THE NEWS-TIMES, Morehead City-beaufort, N.C. Monday, Nov. 11, 1985. BY JOHN HACKNEY, News-Times Staff Writer. ALAN JACKSON, Morehead City, fancies himself as a backyard philosopher. He spends a lot of hours reading books, magazines and research papers trying to understand just why certain things are the way they are. Mr. Jackson's most recent research has yielded an astounding theory; that movement is as important as nourishment to human beings. He came to that conclusion based on the behavior of magnetic bacteria. He also believes these bacteria may be responsible for cell division. "I think movement through the earth's magnetic field is as important as nutrition." MR. JACKSON, 32, left high school at the age of 17 to join the Marine Corp. He spent four years at Cherry Point, during which time he earned general education development (G.E.D.) degree and took college preparatory courses in various fields. Since leaving Cherry Point, he has held jobs with Hatsel Electric Co.; with Conner Homes as an electrician; with Carteret Court Apartments, as maintenance supervisor; and at Sea Coast Refrigeration. He has also taken several college courses at Carteret Technical College. MR. JACKSON believes the earth's magnetic field is generated by molten lava rotating in the earth's core. The lava moves in the opposite direction of the earth itself, thus creating such a field. "If we go to other planets, and no molten lava is flowing under the surface to create a magnetic field, the chances of finding life as we know it is slim." Without flux lines, the magnetic bacteria would have no guide to food. "we can't live without flux lines," he said. Based on his unguessable research, Mr. Jackson theorizes that magnetic bacteria in cells follow flux lines within the geomagnetic field to get iron, which is there source of nourishment. DR. RICHARD P. BLAKEMORE, a scientist at the University of New Hampshire, has said that amorphous cells (cells without form) accumulate a great deal of iron from outside cell walls to produce magnetic particles. Mr. Jackson believes it is more then a coincidence that humans need iron supplement to exist. SCIENTISTS know that bacteria collect and store iron, but they have yet to discover how. Mr. Jackson thinks magnetic bacteria swim inside individual cells within the body to get iron, possibly from the exterior walls of the cell nucleus or from the outer walls of the cell itself. He contends the bacteria move within the cell according to the body's orientation to magnetic flux lines. It has been shown that magnetic bacteria in the northern hemisphere migrate along flex lines in a northerly fashion, while magnetic bacteria in the southern hemisphere move south THE NUMBERS of north-seeking and south-seeking magnetic bacteria at the equator have been proven equal, indicating the effect of flux lines on bacteria. Dr. Blakemore and Dr. Richard B. Frankel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote that "magnetotactic bacteria are bottom-dwelling organisms that are either anaerobic (capable of living only in the absence of oxygen) or microaerophilic (surviving best in environments with little oxygen)." Therefore, they theorize, these bacteria would have a tendency to migrate downward, depending on their location, because "it would help them to avoid toxic effects of the greater concentration of oxygen in surface water." Mr. Jackson believes all people are essentially addicted to movement. An april 1979 article in Omni magazine cited the deterioration of astronauts' bones after periods of inactivity or weightlessness. THIS DETERIORATION of bones, called osteoporosis, is thought by most to be associated with lack of gravitational forces in space. Mr. Jackson thinks it is caused by the body having almost no orientation to the earth's magnetic field (or to north and south poles). Wiring within the spaceship may create some magnetism, but no definite poles, from which bacteria can orient themselves. WITHOUT bodily movement, magnetic bacteria cannot move in the cell along magnetic flux lines. Mr. Jackson said that was the reason chicken eggs, if not moved after being laid, would deteriorate. Without movement, the bacteria cannot constantly reorient themselves and move, and are left in a mass on one side of the cell. It is the movement of those bacteria that is important to cellular growth. He said cells were important to both tissues and bone growth in the body, thus accounting for the deterioration of bones found in astronauts. HE THINKS further experiments might show that astronauts have some deterioration of all tissues. Mr. Jackson said all people, young and old, are indirectly affected by magnetic bacteria. He thinks indians used to carry their papooses (babies) on their backs to keep them moving and thus indirectly helping the body grow. HE ALSO believes crib death of babies is caused from lack of movement. He said babies do not have the muscle coordination necessary to move themselves when first born. If the are not moved, the magnetic bacteria will be essentially immobile and not be able to set many body function in motion MR. JACKSON also believes lack of movement may be the reason bones and other tissues begin to fade as people get older and inactive. The less movement, the less the body will grow. He added that one experiment exemplified how magnetic bacteria could be degaussed (or rendered neutral in magnetism) through the application of heat. He has seized on this to theorize the reason for the basis of cellular life. MR. JACKSON believes that as human cells age , magnetic bacteria and other bacteria crowd the cells, creating excess friction or heat (thermal energy), which effectively demagnetizes magnetic bacteria for a moment, causing half the bacteria to lose their orientation to flux lines and head in the opposite direction. This intense action may cause cells to split. He believes that scientists may have overlooked the fact that magnetic bacteria heading in opposite directions may cause DNA (dioxyribo nucleic acid) molecules in the cell nucleus to split. DNA is associated with the transmission of genes in all living things. THE END.--- There is much research being compiled conserning magnetic fields. I am sure you could find some of it by way of most search engines, like Webcraler. However, I find that most researchers are unaware of the roll that magnetic bacteria play in cell growth. This would be a good place for anyone wishing to learn more about the effects of magnetic fields on their health. ---Ref: "Magnetic Navigation an Attractive Possibility".- SCIENCE, Vol.215, 19 March 1982.--- I'm in the process of getting NASA to create a artificial magnetic field which will prevent the deterioration that now occurs in the astronauts, while in space. This deterioration, known as osteoporosis, will also be prevented within people here on earth, with the type/model of artificial magnetic field produced by NASA. For people to become aware that man has not, up until now, been useing magnetic fields to their full potential, will cause them to maintain much better health then ever before. And stop many from thinking problems are caused by things that are not causing them. The magnetic bed will create a magnetic field around a person, (one like the earths), and the field will be made to shift every so often, (it seems about every 45 min or so), this will be like the bird caring for its egg. Electromagnetic fields, are something that our bodies have learned to use. Our bodies have learned to use the earth's type of a magnetic field. A/C voltage produces a magnetic field that shifts, or reverses, 60 times a second, and this makes it hard, or impossible, for magnetic bacteria, (in our cells), to make magnetite from the iron that we take into our bodies when we eat. The earth's magnetic field has its north and south poles stay in about the same place. These bacteria use the lines of flux when putting iron particals together, like a brick layer uses a string, to line up the bricks. When most of the iron particals, are lined up with their norths in the same direction, we call it magnetite, not just iron. The bacteria are doing this inside the cells, such as producing an electrical charge as they move about, (like we do crossing the carpet and then touching the TV), they cause the cell to divide when their population reaches a certain number, and they produce magnetite which is used to form the nuclear envelope, ( protecting the DNA). These bacteria serve these functions within our cells only when we provide them with what they need, like keeping fish healthy in a fish tank. I was hoping you would help make the world a better place by being aware of something new and important. If I can be of any help, let me know. I still learning too. ~~~~~ "When making public-policy decisions for the government, I think one should ask oneself which technologies would best strengthen the hand of a police state. Then, do not allow the government to deploy those technologies." Phillip Zimmermann-- "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." Voltaire-- "When the law again respects the will of the people, the people will again respect the law." Jim Ray, campaign 1992.-- "Leadership is getting someone to do what they don't want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve." -- Tom Landry-- ~~~~~~ BETTER LATE, THEN NEVER. or REAL "HOME IMPROVEMENT".-- Tommas Edison is remembered as having warned us, and I believe he is quoted as having said, "You would be a fool to use A/C voltage rather then D/C voltage. But his nation did not heed his words of wisdom. If tommas Edison, the man who seems to have "opened the door" to the uses of electric current, was a child of God, (which is now evident from his effect on mankind), then at that time this nation turned from God, and began to lead others away, through its example. The many blessing that are afforded mankind, through the use of electricity, shows that the hand of God was guiding Edison, and mankind through him, into the "Age of Electricity" The warning given to others, concerning the use of A/C voltage, was given by the one who may have had the best understanding of electricity. This would be evident from the way he used such knowledge throughout his life. Now today, information being gathered from studies, indicates that the use of A/C voltage may have been a wrong move for mankind. And obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of electricity, is the fact that the magnetic field produced by A/C voltage is more in contrast with the earth's field then D/C. More like the earth's, the magnetic field produced by D/C voltage is constant. But this may not be worth noting, unless there are life forms known to use the earth's magnetic field, such as magnetic bacteria. The small magnetic particles found within bacteria are noted as causing it to be effected by magnetic fields. These particles being found in man, should be viewed in that same light. The effect of bringing this issue to the forefront, as a "news topic", and having it held there long enough to educate people to the fact that they are being effected, healthwise, by magnetic fields would be deemed necessary by anyone who becomes aware of these facts, and has the best interests of everyone in mind.-- THE SINGLE MOST REASON, SO FAR. Lately, it has come to mind, that the attachment of a magnet to the egg of a bird, should represent the inability to move about, or be moved about in relation to a external magnetic field. The constant field relationship would cause the immobility, within the cell, of any magnetically driven movement, weather it be that of life form or not. This lack of movement should reduce the dynamic production of electricity, which would prevent the normal cell growth within the egg. Such an act, as described, above, should be seen as the same as not turning, or moving a egg after it has been laid. And I believe that by seeing the egg as a cell, or group of cells can point out the importance of our movement. Our movement seems best when we turn 180, as to that of our last heading or bearing, with respect to a compass, and to do so with set frequency within a set time frame. The fact that the earth's magnetic field is moving around us, and that this movement is not always as much, as at other times, needs to be taken into account when the movement, within a magnetic field, of different cell types is being assessed.-- Introducing "MAGNETRITION"; a term describing the process by which magnetism is utilized boilogically. Awaiting mankind's acceptance, the study of magnetrition offers man a healthier and longer life. This new knowledge concerning mans' magnetritional needs, when utilized, will represent a maturization milestone in the history of mankind. The assessment of research presents these facts; l. Magnetic bacteria use the properties of a magnetic field in order to form a chain of magnetite within its' body, from the iron it absorbs. 2. Magnetic bacteria use the properties of a magnetic field in order to migrate magneticly. 3. Magnetic bacteria live and die within the cells of our body. 4. Magnetic bacteria not having its' needs met, as it attempts its' functions within our cells, leads to the deterioration of body tissues. 5. Astronauts are now recognized as suffering from magnetic deficiency syndrome, brought about by the needs of magnetic bacteria, (within their cells), not being met while outside the earth's magnetic field. 6. A prolonged state of inactivity of magnetic bacteria within cells, such as when a bird's egg is not turned, or an infant is not carried, leads to energy levels too low to maintain life. 7. Periodic exposure to the magnetic field produced by A/C voltage causes poorly formed nuclear envelopes, within cells. 8. Through the proper use of magnetic fields, man may now achieve a higher degree of wellbeing, and travel farther through both time and space. +++++ If you also find the info interesting, please share it with others. The effect of education, on the people around you, will make your life better. In many ways.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At your service, Alan E. Jackson (Learning Leads To Living)
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"HIGHER THOUGHTS" or In order to gain the fullest understanding from what is about to be shared, one must keep these basic principles in mind. A) The growth of vocabulary leads to more complex thought. B) God = That which is educational. C) The God of Moses and Jesus was not like the god Zeus. The term God was used by Moses and Jesus to describe the effects that words have in our lives. The term, "That which is educational", can be used whenever the term God has been used, and be of great help when trying to gain an understanding from recorded history. This concept is not new, just updated a little. It is the same as saying, "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God". Understanding that the word was God, allows you to use the term "the word" in place of the term "God". Thus, "and the word was with the word", God was with God,meaning, the meaning of the word is God as well. The term, "That which is educational", allows for both "The word", and "Its meaning", to be referred too. What John was doing with the statement, "In the beginning...", was guiding people to see that Moses and Jesus were serving words and there meanings. Which today, since the growth of vocabulary offers more complex thought, can be better understood today as, Moses and Jesus were serving "That which is educational". These Words should not be changed in the original form. To do so would make the growth of vocabulary less evident. YOU DON'T ROCK THE CHILDREN, JUST TO KEEP THEM FROM CRYING! ROCKING THE CHILDREN, KEEPS THEM FROM DYING! By this time we should all, (those considered to have a basic education), realize that the bed is used to compensate for your past history/evolution in the trees. The bed raises us up off the ground, like when we were in the trees. Like the bed, smoking aids man when on the ground, by killing things as they try to grow in the lungs, and supplying mans' need for niacin, (which developed from the ENVIRONMENT of the trees). Such life forms, (that have moved from the trees to the ground), must also compensate for the trees movement in the earths' magnetic field, because some of their cells developed under those circumstances. Yet it appears that we do not. Worse yet, some would have us not believe/understand these facts. Yet it is the understanding of these facts that make and keep people in good health. Time wise l. "Where the truth hurts, it also heals". When man left the land, and went to sea, he, or it was learned, that a lengthy stay would be followed by ill health. Much time passed until the British Navy came to realize that mans' health suffered because a man at sea was not receiving nutrients his body had grown accustom to processing. Man had spent many years living on the land, and feeding on the foods found in that environment. Following this line of reasoning, it became obvious that something man received when he consumed limes, allowed him to maintain better health for a longer period of time, while at sea. This story/concept is keyed in mans' memory, or the reasoning is acknowledged, when the term limy is used to refer to a seaman. Along with other such stories, history shows us that the thought of having to compensate for a degree of ones' previous environment, must accompany man/mankind as they move to new surroundings. "The mark of the beast has always been ignorance". It would seem to be unthinkable that someone would go to sea, and then deny that he had once lived on the land. The many facts that would have to be overlooked, or explained in some way other then the truth, would seem to us to be too numerous. Yet today, many people will deny the facts/knowledge that shows man came to live on the land after having lived a long time up off the ground, in the trees. Living a life of little effort toward learning, denying the recent knowledge that would help them to understand the past, these people make up a god like Zeus to explain things, rather then take the time required to serve the word of knowledge. Time wise 2. "BURNT OFFERINGS" The story of Moses and the burning bush, was written to remind man of how smoking must be used to compensate for the organic compounds found in the air he once had, in the environment of the trees. Today, as in the past, burnt offerings allow man the physical health, and therefore the mental ability, needed to commune with history in the form of words. Faith in words comes to a child by him hearing them being used. First by two, then by a small group or family, words, because they were found to be of such a great help, were placed most important in their lives. This group has been growing ever since, both in its number of people, and in its understanding of what words have to offer, to those who live by them. The greater mans' understanding of words, the greater is his understanding of the world about him. For a person to communicate his thoughts to another person, it becomes a matter of finding the right words. For this collection of knowledge, being passed from generation to generation by way of words, it becomes a matter of waiting for the right person. With other groups being controlled by their fear of a god like Zeus, this group considered the spoken word to be their higher power, their guiding light. Moses led them into the land of the written word. In the beginning there was the word, or a word. And that word made man. When a life form began the tasks of assigning a different word to each thing he recognized, he called himself MAN. In the beginning was the word, and then came another, and another, and another. Today words are still coming into being, causing our vocabulary to continue to grow. Each word added to our vocabulary, brings with it the ability of more complex thought. Thus, Before each word, there was less complex thought. Time wise 3. "The difference between the two". Before the word sleep was assigned, the word dead was used in its' place. The word dead meant not awake. Later, the words deceased, unconscious, and sleep were assigned. thus by way of respect for words, (known as God the father by these people), the story of Jesus tells us of a man in the past who recognized that man suffered when he slept on the ground. Others before Jesus recognized this fact, but unlike Jesus they did not believe in sharing information with everyone. Today, some fail to see that the use of furniture has spread along with the story of Jesus. Perhaps that is because mans' need for furniture comes from his past history in the trees, up off the ground. And to admit that now would show that they have been concerned with something other then the word. And knew him not. Mankinds awareness grows due to those who correlate present knowledge with that of the past, and share their conclusions with all. Few, in the past, have put forth the effort required to increase mankinds' over all understanding. Instead, history records great effort being given to keeping new understandings from all people. Religious organizations, through their monopolistic control over education, purposely misinterpret history or conceal information so that those in political control remain so. people who have not received the facts concerning the world around them, make better slaves. Like a parent who tries to keep his children dependent on him, by limiting their growth through learning, governing bodies have kept their place by hiding facts from those who they rule over. But not from the future. Time wise 4. "The end of religion means we are left with free education". In the past, people learned things that religious organizations allowed to be taught. When mans' learning process is not restricted by religions' political ambition, a door is opened, and he can explore more freely the world around him. Thus, freedom of religion means freedom when is comes to learning. But freedom when is came to learning, would show man things that religious organizations were meant to keep him from. We the people, (without the the fear of knowledge, knowledge would only educate us, not remove us from power), were at first, opposed openly by religious organizations based elsewhere. And now, religious organizations would stand to regain the power they once had, if the United States were to stop being a guiding light, when it comes to personal freedom. Realizing that the free flow of knowledge requires only concerned individuals, this should also make a person realize that any growth in the strength of religious organizations is due to the loss of personal freedom. The public school system would suffer a great loss if the efforts required to maintain it were spent elsewhere. The concept of the school, has within it the concept of freedom. When the school system is allowed to function as it should, it facilitates freedom in a community. Religion has a long history of doing the opposite. In the United States people must value freedom, and put their faith in education, or they both will be gone. And the light will go out
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