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The new German Government
Since the 27th of October Germany has got a new government. After 16 years
of a CDU/CSU and FDP government under chancellor Helmut Kohl now a SPD
and Grüne government under chancellor Gerhard Schröder rules
Germany. I am very curious about what will change.
German Government
The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic country. The Basic Law
was adopted in 1949. Its authors intended it as a "temporary" framework
for a new democratic system and not as a definitive constitution. The Basic
Law called upon the people "to achieve in free self-determination the unity
and freedom of Germany".
The Basic Rights:
Article 1 - Protection of human dignity
Article 2 - Personal freedom
Article 3 - Equality before the law
Article 4 - Freedom of faith, conscience and religion
Article 5 - Freedom of expression
and so on
Executive Organ- the Government
Site of the
German Government
Roman Herzog (former presidents: Theodor Heuss, Heinrich Lübke, Gustav
W. Heinemann, Walter Scheel, Karl Carstens, Richard von Weizsäcker)
President of Parliament (Bundestag): Rita Süssmuth
Gerhard Schröder (former chancellors: Konrad
Adenauer, Ludwig Erhart, Georg Kiesinger, Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt,
Helmut Kohl )
Government Departments (Ministeries) - some of
the English names are my own creations
Legislative Organs
Organ the
Bundesverfassungsgericht (the Federal Constitutional Court)
federal structure
The Main German Partys
CDU - Christian Democratic
SPD - German Social Party
FDP - Liberal (Free) Democratic
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
- German Green (environment, ecology) Party
CSU - Christion Social Union
PDS - former SED in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
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German Unification
You should read a very interesting text with lots of pictures about
Years After the Unification by Adolph N. Hofmann.
January 15: Demonstrators in Leipzig call for freedom of speech
September 11: Hungary opens border to West. 15,000 East Germans escape
via Austria
October 7: Official Celebration of 40th Anniversary of GDR
Gorbachev warns "Life punishes those who come too late."
November 4/5: Mass demonstrations in East Berlin pressure the regime to
open the borders on November 9 (an important date/day in German history)
November 28: Chancellor Kohl presents ten-point reunification programme
July 1: The West German Deutschmark becomes the official currency in East
October 3: Germany is reunited (now a holiday)
December 2: United Germany goes to the polls
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