Your Name Please : Syed Sikander Ali
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What City you live in : Cuttack
Which Country : India
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How did you know about my HomePage :
Comments and Suggestions : Hi Subrat,
Good to see your website.
Your Name Please : Subrat Kumar Ghose
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What City you live in : Bhubaneswar
Which Country : India
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How did you know about my HomePage : Google search.
Comments and Suggestions : It is always proude to find an Indian in position like u. And it becomes twice when that person is from our own Orissa. Your HomePage is so impressive. I am now with my MCA course in KIIT. It will be great pleasure for me to receive a encoraging mail from
Your Name Please : Rakesh Chaubey
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Fort Worth, TX
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : You know !
Comments and Suggestions : Bhaina, kya fantastic webpage banaya hai! Hamare TM Guru Manoj (first plane back) kahan hain ?
email likhna.
Your Name Please : Gagan Mohanty
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Palo Alto, CA
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage :
Comments and Suggestions : Subrata Babu, good work. Keep it up. Just wantd to say hello to you. And,
before I switch off,
*** Happy New Year 04***
Your Name Please : atasi
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : fremont
Which Country : usa
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : calnet
Comments and Suggestions : Hi Subrat Bhai-
Great Site!!!
Your Name Please : SURESH SARANGI
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What City you live in : Bhubaneswar
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : R&D
Comments and Suggestions : Dear Sir,
I found in net your home page see
it is very nice. Please contact me every time. Thanking you.
Your Name Please : test2
Your Email Address : test2
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Which Country :
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Comments and Suggestions : test2
Your Name Please : Vern Andresen
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Pleasanton
Which Country : USA
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How did you know about my HomePage : you sent it to me
Comments and Suggestions : My favorite Ventures song might be Lonely Bull. I heard Pipeline the other day on the radio, and the DJ said it is arguabley the best surf song ever written - perhaps true. The only other winner would be Wipeout - not a Ventures song. Remember the album w
Your Name Please : dibyaranjan mallick
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : surat
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : search
Comments and Suggestions : good,but complex.more self-centric,less useful,more egoistic,less friendly.but managable
Your Name Please : chinmay Kumar Nayak
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Mumbai
Which Country : INDIA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Google
Comments and Suggestions : Nice to visit ur site, and its wonderfull they way u have described,
Thank u
Your Name Please : tarini
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Kansas city
Which Country : usa
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : sEARCH
Comments and Suggestions : hi Subrat I was searching for stewartonians and it listed ur site
Your Name Please : Himanshu Pattnayak
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : New Delhi
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : While Surfing the Internet.
Comments and Suggestions : hi subrat ,
myself Himanshu pattnayak a System Engg. working in Delhi. while surfing the net i come in contact with ur website. that was really good.
one thing i like the most is the publications on that site.
so please maintain the pace.
Your Name Please : capt ptr jagannath
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : army
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : goggle
Comments and Suggestions : great to know that our school has produced such a great person please stay in touch
Your Name Please : rajesh ku sahu
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : kolkata
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL : no
How did you know about my HomePage : search engine
Comments and Suggestions : It is nice to meet u.
Help us to meet there.
What City you live in : BARIPADA,ORISSA
Which Country : INDIA
Your HomePage URL : NO
Your Name Please : Sam Mohanty
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Wayne
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Browsing the
Comments and Suggestions : Hello, I used to go to Stewarts but left in 1978. Good to see guys from Cuttack.
Your Name Please : nikki
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : cuttck
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : from you
Comments and Suggestions : were are u
Your Name Please : gagarin misr
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : bombay
Which Country : of course india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : surfing
Comments and Suggestions : nice to know u
Your Name Please : samarendra paikray
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : new delhi
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : i just happened to
Comments and Suggestions : hey
i found ur home page to b interesting and what fascinated me that u had heightened the cultural heritage of our state. im proud of all the oriyas staying world wide
Your Name Please : Vicki
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : New Jersy
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : MSN Search
Comments and Suggestions : Just Moved here,From Los Angeles
Your Name Please : subrat kumar sahoo
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : presently bangalore
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL : under construction
How did you know about my HomePage : cal oriya society
Comments and Suggestions : hi, Namaskar
its subrat from puri currently in IISc,b'lore,its nice 2 visit ur site, it feels like a mental triumph being in the name of subrat(me) with a versatile guy likke u,pl let me contact u in ur email id,which is unreachable from your home page
Your Name Please : Deepak
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Bhubaneswar
Which Country : INDIA
Your HomePage URL : XX
How did you know about my HomePage : Somebody tipped
Comments and Suggestions : Have sent you mail .
Your Name Please : Hara
Your Email Address :
What City you live in :
Which Country :
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage :
Comments and Suggestions : The tune is Excellent.
But the home page needs a bit of
refurbishing. Like color combinations etc. And don't write
'less complicated'. Because you invite some complications. 'Straight & simple' will be more positive.
Your Name Please : pradipta kishore das
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : bhubaneswar
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : while browsing
Comments and Suggestions : -no-
Your Name Please : Madhumita didi
Your Email Address :
What City you live in :
Which Country :
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage :
Comments and Suggestions : Great page and useful links. I am adding a book mark to your page.
Your Name Please : Subrat Mishra
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Columbus, OH
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Google
Comments and Suggestions : wishing u all the very best in life....
Your Name Please : Surya Kanta Das
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Cuttack
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : I know u since ages
Comments and Suggestions : Stick to your goodness and never
forget your nationality.
Your Name Please : Jitendra
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Hyderabad
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Of course Yahoo search
Comments and Suggestions : Hello there, keep playing and merry go. all the best.
Your Name Please : Judah
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Harare
Which Country : Zimbabwe
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Internet search
Comments and Suggestions : I like your music!!!
Your Name Please : Sanjay Kumar
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Kuala lumpur
Which Country : Malaysia
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : surfing
Comments and Suggestions : geat site good work i used to be Stewart School form 1970 to 1981 ....
Your Name Please : sanjay sahoo
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : bhubaneswar
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : how to make plz mail me
Comments and Suggestions : realy verry nice
Your Name Please : soumya ranjan mohapatra
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : delhi
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL : i don't have any
How did you know about my HomePage : from google search
Comments and Suggestions : hi MR.SUBRAT,
i'm soumya . i'm also a student from stewart school cuttack. acutally i was looking for stewart school's homepage and i came across your homepage. can you please mail me stewart school's homepage address to me ,please i need it urgently pl
Your Name Please : Rasmita Mahala
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : rajkanika
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL : no
How did you know about my HomePage : i had some need in the site geocities.
Comments and Suggestions : i have to know some thing more about mr pradipta bal. so i enquired.
Your Name Please : James & Myrna McGee
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Stillwater, OK
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL : Still being built!
How did you know about my HomePage : From Your Email
Comments and Suggestions : WOW! A talented musican!
Your Name Please : manoj das
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : santa clara
Which Country : usa
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : searching for "cuttack khatti" in google
Comments and Suggestions : Bhaina, bhari bhala lagila. I am just going through the petents, I have similar works.
Your Name Please : manoj das
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : santa clara
Which Country : usa
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : searching for "cuttack khatti" in google
Comments and Suggestions : Bhaina, bhari bhala lagila. I am just going through the petents, I have similar works.
Your Name Please : jini
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : bbsr
Which Country : india
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : yahoo
Comments and Suggestions : Nice and unique home page...Reveals ur multidimesional personality...Good music..on ur site...
Your Name Please : TUTU
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Mumbai/PURI
Which Country : INDIA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage :
Comments and Suggestions : It's a excellent job. Keep it up.
Padhikari bhahut khusi hali
Your Name Please : Subhadarshi
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Cuttack
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Tekons
Comments and Suggestions : Just to contact for friendship
Your Name Please : Sanjeeb
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : NewJersy,Chennai,Berhampur
Which Country : Inidia
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : While browsing some orissa related sites
Comments and Suggestions : Its good to see ur site.
Wish u all the best.
Your Name Please : shajeesh
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : dubai
Which Country : united arab emirates
Your HomePage URL : //
How did you know about my HomePage : with the help of
Comments and Suggestions : It is good to see a wonderful site of yours !!!!! congrats may god bless you for you whole life
Your Name Please : Anand Tripathy
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Oakville
Which Country : Canada
Your HomePage URL : not available
How did you know about my HomePage : thru search engine
Comments and Suggestions : Good,but can be better.
Your Name Please : Manoj Kumar Mishra
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Panipat
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : California Oriya Web Site
Comments and Suggestions : Very Good Site
Your Name Please : Dr.G.S.Patnaik
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : MUSCAt
Which Country : OMAN
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Browsing about Orissa
Comments and Suggestions : Dear Subrat, Nice to go through your home page. Oriyas are doing fine in all the spheres. I was born in Cuttack although I studiedin Nagpur. Presently am an orthopedic surgeon in MUSCAt. Also am the president of Oriya Assiociation OMAN. Will be in Birming
Your Name Please : kishor
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Bhubaneswar
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : while surfing
Comments and Suggestions : Really good effor. Thank a lot. Keep it up.
it tooks much time to download the graphics in the page
Your Name Please : Sarita
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Atlanta/CUTTACK
Which Country : USA/INDIA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : FROM WEB
Comments and Suggestions : Enjoyed your page!
Best wishes to you!
Your Name Please : praditpa bal
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Delhi
Which Country : India
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : from
Comments and Suggestions : hai, subrata.
kemti achha.
please convey me
some thing more about the odia community there.
Your Name Please : Debbo
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Tempe, Arizona
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : Surfing the Net
Comments and Suggestions : Enjoyed your page, like the dancing
Frog! Best wishes to you!
Your Name Please : Prasanna Mohanty
Your Email Address :
What City you live in : Brighton, Massachusetts
Which Country : USA
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage : California Oriya Web Site
Comments and Suggestions :
Your Name Please : test
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What City you live in :
Which Country :
Your HomePage URL :
How did you know about my HomePage :
Comments and Suggestions : test