VCP1.64 CP/CG Data File - VCP )1996, Gary A. Crowell Sr. ;All dimensions are in inches and unscaled. ; PROGRAM STATE: 0 0 0 VEHICLE DESCRIPTION: Peenem|nde Taifun ("Typhoon") FILENAME: TAIFUN.CP NOTES: Manufacturer: scratch Data Source: The MARS Pathfinder Data Date: 10/29/96 Notes: Full Scale Peenem|nde Taifun ("typhoon"), Notes: based on a drawing by John DeMar in Notes: "The MARS Pathfinder", July 1996. Notes: Notes: Data entered by Mike Vande Bunt, 10/96. Notes: Fins are based on the drawing, rather than Notes: the dimensions on the drawing. (The listed Notes: dimension in the DeMar drawing for root Notes: length is wrong.) Notes: Notes: Notes: ; ; SUSTAINER COMPONENTS: ;**************************************** ; NOSE CONE DATA: SHAPE: 1 LENGTH: 8 DIAMETER: 4 REF DIST: 67.6 MASS: 0 MASS DIST: 0 CYL SECT: 0 BLUNT DIA: 0 SEC PCT: 70 SHLD DIA: 0 SHLD LEN: 0 ; FIN UNIT 1: NMBR FINS: 4 SHAPE: 7 ROOT CHRD: 13.8 TIP CHORD: 7.9 LE SWEEP: 5.9 EXP SSPAN: 2.35 DIAMETER: 4 REF DIST: 0 MASS: 0 MASS DIST: 0 TTW DEPTH: 3.18 TTW WIDTH: 7 TTW REF: 1.125 ; ; Total Mass CG Location CP Location ;SUSTAINER: 0 0 29.81719