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About me![]()
Here I am!Let's start saying that I don't look that young anymore...My name is Stefano Bizzarri, I was born in 1967 in Rome, Italy, where I still live.
My family...and this is my family! Well, I should say this WAS my family... Nobody knows where my father (Fabio) is, my sister (Anastasia) now lives in NYC. Fortunately my mother (Stefania) still lives only 6 Km away from me (although she leaves the country once a year for a 3 month vacation in the US).
My studiesAs you can see my sister's always been much more happy than me about the school...Anyway I managed to finish the high school (electronics) but I have never graduated in Math... Despite this I've been a Math teacher in a high school when I was 20 (don't ask me how...). I still remeber what a good feeling was to be on the other side of the DESK!
My lifeAfter beeing an HIPPIE for a short while (one day) I've become a BUSKER playing and singing in the subway. Quite a good job but my mother wasn't really proud of me... Now, just like other billions of people, I have a "serious" job: I work for Howmedica, the orthopaedic division of Pfizer Italiana, as Inventory & Purchasing supervisor (WOW!!!)But music is still part of my life: Bruce Springsteen (I've seen 16 concerts during the last 11 years!), Bob Dylan , then Tom Waits, Jackson Browne...
ElenaShhhhhh! Please don't tell her about this picture!!! She asked not to be on my web page... But I cannot avoid writing about her. She's my girl friend. She's very nice. We mostly fight about my clothes. Apart from the office, I wear only T-shirts and blue jeans: she doesn't agree...
NiccolòThis is my nephew, Niccolò!!! Look at this guy, you really can't avoid loving him... He's 6 years old and he's just like his mother (and my sister) Anastasia. They look like normal people but they're not!!!
My friendsThese are my best friends: Paolo (in the middle) and Marco (right). Marco's a journalist and he's seen Bruce Springsteen 2 times more than me (a good reason to hate him...). Paolo makes stained glasses and he's always complaining about how hard he works... we just ignore him!
The things I likeI like the animals (when they don't try to eat my meals): I live with two cats (Gatta Zorro and Gatta Nera) which are the only thing left by my short marriage...I like airplanes (the very BIG ones like the BOEING 747 -Jumbo-) and I'm also very interested in flight safety.
I love Calvin and Hobbes Last but not least I hate BUTTONS, I mean shirt buttons, coat buttons etc... That's why as soon as I leave the office I wear only T-shirt and pullovers. It's still hard to explain this to the others (expecially to my girl friend...).
AstronomyI love astronomy and, as soon as the sky is clear enough, I stargaze with my 114/900 newtonian telescope. Did you ever try? You should, it's a wonderful experience! Didn't you know you can clearly see the Saturn's rings, the Moon craters (don't try to find the flag left by Neil Armstrong because you can't!), the Galileian Satellites spinning aroun Jupiter and many other wonders?!?I'm very proud of this picture: the comet Hyakutake was terrific
TravellingThe other love of mine is travelling. I don't do that as much as I'd like but at least once a year I go to the States. I love driving through the deserts of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico...I like photography and you can see some of my pictures following this link.
Please send comments and suggestions to menu@stefanobizzarri.com Updated on May 13th, 1999 by Stefano Bizzarri |