Stojan Ratkovic - My WWW

Hi, You've just found my personal page. I'm going to show you something about my personal and profesional interests, my roots, my past and present. Well, before you leave give an eye to....

I was born in Milosev Do, small mountain village in southwest Serbia. Since I was three years old I live in Mladenovac. Primary and secondary school finished in Mladenovac. Graduated 1994 at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade.

Short time I was working in the "Petar Drapsin" foundry in Mladenovac and then at the "Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials" in Belgrade. Since 1996 employed as a teaching assistant on the Physical Metallurgy Department at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy (TMF) in Belgrade - Yugoslavia.

From september 98 to june 2004, I was working at the Technical University of Clausthal in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany. Clausthal-Zellerfeld is one very nice city, located near Hannover in the mountainous region called Harz.  

In september 2001 I've married Jasmina. In April 2002 was born our son Milan.

Since July 2004 we live in Viernheim near Mannheim

Soon I'm going to put a couple of new, fresh photos of us in my album.

I spend much time on my hobbies (I mean spent, because now I have not enough time for all that things):

Thank You very much for Your visit. Don't forget to see my Photo Album and sign in my Guestbook. Hope to see You again here.

Basic info about myself


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