Personal Home Page

Richard J. Brion
Typhoon Chaser, Retired

My Background

(underlined text contain links)

Of all my flying assignments, I believe my two postings at Andersen AFB, Guam,

were the most adventuresome and rewarding. In 1962-63, I flew the WB-50D,

and returning in 1969-71, I was then flying the WC-130E. The mission duties included

tropical storm surveilance and analysis, center(eye) penetration, weather modification,

and, Apollo XII weather support providing up to the minute weather observations

used by NASA to determine the actual recovery location of "The Yankee Clipper".

Links to My Favorite Sites

The following links may give you an insight as to my interests

(click on underlines for links)

(click on me)

So Long!

Hollie & Me

(click on us)

Well, now I hope you had time to check-out all the COOL stuff.

I'll be adding more pages in the near future, as I have all this

idle time on my hands and I've just discovered HTML.

So please check back often, and we'll leave the lights on .....

I would appreciate any comments or criticism.

You may e-mail me at:

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