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last update 21-06-97 23:26




OA Boeing 737-300 Manual on how to fly the Orange Air B 737-300. The values in this POH are taken from the "how-to-fly" document written by Guy Daems, a Sabena 737-300 First Officer.
Orange Air Airbus A-320 Ballpark settings of the Orange Air Airbus A-320




IAP reading

Tutorial on reading instrument approach charts. By the maker of Final Approach Georges Lorsche.
Chart reading Tutorial on reading aviation charts (like from Jeppessen). By Johan van Cranenburgh.
HSI Tutorial Manual on how to use the Horizontal Stuation Indicator in FS Win95.
File in ZIP format, read with Windows WordPad after unpacking.
Contains many illustrative graphics.
File size: 853 kB
ACE Flight School Flight school of the newly arrived virtual airline ACE.
Ground maneuvering Learn how to maneuver your plane on the ground without crashing it in the mud
beside the runway before you even had the chance to take off!!
Engine failure Why do your engines fail and what can you do about it.
Sam's Homepage Interesting site with information on VOR's, NDB's, ILS landings, and traffic patterns.
First Flight Information on preflight checklists, standard procedures, communication, and 3 text lessons for the starter pilot.
Manual on Flying the Big Jets How to use power, pitch and trim in MS Flightsimulator. Text by Peter James.
Traffic Pattern Flying Here you can learn to fly the basic traffic patterns.
DC 9 How to fly a classic DC 9.
IFR Flying How to fly IFR (without navigation instruments that is)
Flight Procedures Standard flight procedures of Westwind Airlines, also useful for Orange Air pilots!
ILS Learn how to use ILS landings.
ILS ILS Tutorial in WordPad format with graphics.
ALtitude Hold How to hold your current altitude.



Here you can find information I gathered for you from various sources, such as the flightsimulator mailing list and newsgroups.

Easter Eggs A list of so-called Easter eggs in FS 6.0. These eggs are geographical locations in Flightsimulator where special objects can be observed.
Visual Approach Learn how to land the big ones using the VASI system, instead of the ILS.
Autopilot problems Autopilot NAV HOLD functions may cause problems in slow turning planes.
Descent planning Learn when and how to descent prior to landing.


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