Check out my collection of coaster pix! These are all my pictures, even the ones at an America Online address. All the Cedar Point pix are NEW! As are the Dorney, Michigan, Conneaut, PKI, Geauga and Wyandot coasters!!

Turn your color printers on!

Magnum XL-200 (Cedar Point)
Mean Streak #1 (Cedar Point)
Mean Streak #2 (Cedar Point)
Wild Cat (Cedar Point)
Raptor (Cedar Point)
Disaster Transport (Cedar Point)
Mantis (Cedar Point)
Blue Streak (Cedar Point)
Iron Dragon (Cedar Point)
Corkscrew #1 (Cedar Point)
Corkscrew #2 (Cedar Point)
Cedar Creek Mine Ride (Cedar Point)
Blue Streak #1 (Conneaut Lake Park)
Blue Streak #2 (Conneaut Lake Park)
Blue Streak #3 (Conneaut Lake Park)
Steel Force (Dorney Park)
Steel Force (background) and Thunderhawk (foreground) [Dorney Park]
Thunderhawk (Dorney Park)
Laser (Dorney Park)
Corkscrew (Michigan's Adventure)
Wolverine Wildcat (Michigan's Adventure)
Zoomer (Michigan's Adventure)
Shivering Timbers (Michigan's Adventure)
Beast (Kings Island)
The Racer (Kings Island)
Outer Limits- Flight of Fear : logo (Kings Island)
Vortex (Kings Island)
Top Gun (Kings Island)
King Cobra (Kings Island)
Raging Wolf Bobs (Geauga Lake)
Mind Eraser (Geauga Lake)
Big Dipper (Geauga Lake)
Double Loop (Geauga Lake)
Sea Dragon (Wyandot Lake)
Wildcat (Idora Park)
Steel Phantom (Kennywood)
Giant Dipper (Santa Cruz)
Hurricane (Santa Cruz)