Ing. Stefano
Professional Activities |
I am Ph.D. in Chemical Technologies
and New Materials at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials
at the University of Calabria. I am working on modeling and numerical simulation
of transport phenomena in integrated membrane systems. These kinds of systems are
widely used in selective separations of different chemical species and in their
conversion obtained by means of entrapped enzymes or whole biocatalysts. Nowdays
I am trying to design and realize a membrane system for milk and whey treatment aimed
at the recovering of proteins and of high value substances. My research supervisors
are Prof. Gabriele Iorio and Ing. Vincenza Calabrò who, for many years, have
been operating in membrane technologies (Transport
Phenomena Laboratory) at my University.
I am also working on rheological characterization of complex systems and I enroll
in two associations (Italian Group of Rheology and RheoTech) which analyze these
particular kind of problems.
I have a sound knowledge of computer programs, especially
those operating in a Windows environment, and I claim to have a sufficient knowledge
of English which I hope, in the near future, to learn much better together with
other languages which, because of their difficulty, are, for me, particularly fascinating.
More Significant Scientific Works
1) V.Calabrò, G. Iorio, S. Todisco, S. Curcio, A mass transfer
analysis of a cross-flow capillary membrane bioreactor, The Second Italian Conference
on Chemical and Processes Engineering, Florence, 13-15 May 1995
2) V.Calabrò, G. Iorio, S. Todisco, S. Curcio, Theoretical
analysis of a hollow fiber membrane bioreactor with immobilized biocatalyst, Seventh
Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society (NAMS '95), Portland - Oregon
- USA, 20-24 May 1995
3) S. Curcio, V. Calabrò, B. de Cindio, G. Iorio, Modellazione
reologica dello sporcamento di membrane piane, Proc. del IV Convegno Nazionale di
Reologia Applicata, Vico Equense (NA), 12-15 Giugno 1996
4) S. Curcio, G. Iorio, B. de Cindio, V. Calabrò, M. G. De
Paola, D. Gabriele, Aspetti cinetici e fenomeni di trasporto in bioreattori a membrana:
applicazioni a processi dell'industria alimentare, Poster presentato a Itinerari
di Chimica in Calabria, Rende, 15-16 Novembre 1996
5) V. Calabrò, S. Curcio, B. de Cindio, G. Iorio, A theoretical and experimental analysis of an integrated membrane system for milk and whey treatment,
Proc. The First European Congress on Chemical Engineering, Florence - Italy - May 4-7, 1997 |
University Addresses
: Dr. Ing. Stefano Curcio - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica e dei Materiali - UNICAL
- 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS) - ITALIA
Telephone Numbers
: +39 0984 492035
Fax Number :
+39 984 492058
E- Mail
: stefano.curcio@unical.it |
However, University research
is not my sole professional activity. As an engineer, enrolled in the National Engineers
List, I am working part-time, as technical manager, at a local firm, Liquirizia
Zagarese s.r.l., which produces a typical southern Italian product : liquorice. This
product is obtained by a very simple chemical process which consists of extracting
the liquorice, by means of hot water, from two particular roots (Glycirrhiza
Glabra and Rigulizia Cordara)
which grow especially in Calabria and in all Mediterranean sea countries. The product
is well appreciated for its peculiar taste and for its therapeutical properties
(expectorant, digestive, antiseptic, antispastic, anti-toxic, etc.).
Liquirizia Zagarese Addresses
: Ing. Stefano Curcio - Liquirizia Zagarese s.r.l. - 87012 Area Industriale di Cammarata
- Castrovillari (CS) - ITALIA
Telephone Number
: +39 981 38890
Fax Number
: +39 981 38891 |
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