GOLDEN EAGLE SPEAKS: A Channeling Collection Through Margot Stevens

Telepathy and Internet

13th June 1995

Be at Peace my beloved, and know that I AM the voice of your Higher Self, that I have been with you from the begiining and I shall be with you always.

Beloved, Know that I AM GOD and I will be One with you. Know that all your dreams will be fulfilled as you align yourself more and more with the light, with the new neural pathways which are forming around the earth to create a new global consciousness through this medium of the Internet. It is the precursor for telepathic communication which ability is opening up within each of you to some degree, particularly to those of you have tuned into this channel(URL) through your intuitive search of the Internet. It is a tool to use to expand your spiritual consciousness and through which to achieve spiritual guidance. But do not forget that I AM in each one of you and all of you can contact me yourselves without accessing this technology through peaceful meditation and the willingness to surrender to the dictates of your Higher Self. Free will is simply the freedom to choose to follow the I AM presence, and the learning what happens, the when you don't follow this guidance. It is an integration with the light.I AM the light within you. Amen.

Inner Guidance

14th June 1995

Beloved, know that I am with you always, that you are one with me and that I AM one with you. There is no separation. realisation is simply the knowingness that we are one. Self-realisation is the goal sought by many people and you are one of those or you would not be reading this. But you must first seek within yourself for those resources which you need to enable you to find yourself. Many people look outside of themselves for a teacher or guru, a master who has accomplished what they seek to do for themselves. This is the first step. Ultimately the outside teacher or master must be replaced by the guidance from the inner guru. We are getting this guidance all the time, but often do not realise this is the inner prompting of the soul in the search for you to find yourself. As you tune into this inner prompting more and more, you will become more connected with that source of wisdom within yourself which is guding you increasingly to a greater expression of your being. Amen.

Age of Information

Beloved, now is atime of great transition to the information when age when you will be threatened to be overwhelemd by the knowledge which is out there on the world-wide web. But here is where the knowing that the knowledge is within you is so important you must tune into that guidance in a moment of quiet meditation each day or you will become an information junkie, constantly looking for that next hit on a site which you haven't seen before and you will be addicted to the pursuit of knowledge, when in fact there are some things which are unknowable. Mary Wollstonecraft who was a mystic as well as a writer of social issues made the observation that there are some things which are unknowable, such as the true nature of GOD which the human mind cannot comprehend but can only apprehend through intuitive insight. trying to understand all knowledge through the mind will only lead to a mental indigestion and an insatiable craving for more knowledge which can never be releievd except through intuitive insight or mystical realisation-an inner knowingness of things based on love and trust and faith. faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. As Paul said in Corinthians that this is like "looking through a glass darkly." Amen.

Inner Knowing

16th June 1995

Beloveds, as you attune yourselves more and more to the light, you will increasingly be able to fulfil your full potential. Those of you who are in boring jobs, who may be tuning in to this for some light relief from your boredom, know that this is not a trivial pursuit but rather it is your soul searching, thirsting after knowledge through which you can transform your life and consciousness. Know too that once again it is within you. Everything you need to know is within you. This source will only become a constant reminder that everything you need to know is within you. To have the trust, to have the faith that universal consciousness is available to you anywhere,anytime, not just through this medium which requires so much technology. it is a precursor to world-wide instantaneous knowledge and realisation for all of us, wherever we are. Be at Peace My beloveds. Amen.

Beloveds, know that I AM GOD and I AM one with you. Be at peace. Do you know what this means. it means to rid yourself of anxiety and doubt. Doubt is simply a lack of faith. Faith is the evidence of things unseen. How many of you have felt an unseen hand working in your life, creating synchronicities which cannot be explained by coincidence. It is the 4th dimensional world, which this area of cyberspace is fast approaching in its conception as a disembodied consciousness which all beings with access to a terminal can plug into. It is a very handy analogy to the way spirit/consciousness works. In each case, the Higher Self is the terminal and your Spiritual guides act as Network browsers. Amen

Oneness and Technology

24th June 1995

Beloved, you are One with me, we are all connected through invisible rays of light, like a web, which is what the Internet has become. This new technology will help to prepare you for the world-wide telepathic communication when it comes on-line. That is when you are ready to open yourself up to the new means by which humans are evolving. it is the next step in your evolution aided by alien intervention. Do not be disturbed by this idea, for if aliens had wanted to harm you, you would have experienced that by now. Instead, what you are experiencing is an incredible acceleration of the rate of technological change aided by alien contact from civilizations far more advanced than yours. What it is crucial to remember at all times, is that we are evolving in consciousness. People often talk about a change of consciousness but i wonder if they really know what that means. Humans have evolved a certain level of consciousness through millions of years of evolution which has largely separated you from the apes.However, have evolved a Higher Consciousness which is in telepathic communication with. That is why we no longer hear so much about John Lilley and his experiments on inter-species communication and the U.S. Navy because they actually translated conversations with beings from other systems than yours. Here is where the fear of physical difference must be put aside. Dolphins have adapted to a marine environment, but their brains are larger and more complex than yours.Their brains have a greater brain to body weight ratio than humans with highly developed frontal lobes. Through sonar, they can send messages as well as telepathically. Be at peace. Do not be afraid of physical difference but know that it is consciousness which is now evolving beyond the physical form and will become disembodied. With regard to alien abduction, most people have chosen to go, for they find their jobs or their friends, their life here on Earth is meaningless without some understanding of what is unknowable to most people on Earth. You will be stretched to the limits of your imagination, for your mind cannot conceive of that which is unkowable, so a shift has to occur to Higher Consciousness which can understand things intuitively. Peace.