SPIRITEXTS is pleased to post the following by Dwayne Sheffiled, whose site EMBRACING THE CONTRADICTION provides a fascinating interpretation of Biblical texts.

The reason I will use the King James Bible for interpretation is, it has been the one most used in the history of teaching Christianity. If I had been born in another religious culture I would be using that "Bible," or book, for they all have the same hidden Spiritual teaching. I've been researching the Bible, among other scripture, for over thirty years and have discovered a pattern that connects all "ancient" writings and the laws of natural science, "without contradiction." I realize this is saying a lot, but once the structure of how duality, in this case the Bible, is laid out, it immediately shows its relationship with all things. I know nothing about the "mathematics" of physics, as far as that goes, I'm poor in math. But what they have and are discovering the esoteric field of physics relates to the esoteric interpretation of the Bible and all other universal sciences. It is this, I would like to share with those who are still bound by the traditional way of interpreting any scripture.

What I propose to do is, give some key "conversion scriptures" to help unlock the "apparent illusion" of contradiction, and relate it to what theoretical physicist are finding in their "ghost (spiritual) theories." As we all know, in truth, there is no contradiction, or controversy, on the other hand, the appearance of it is very necessary for getting ones attention, and hopefully, "stirring up the inquisitive or skeptical conscience". One of the verses in the book of 1 Timothy 3:16 addresses the point like this; "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:....(or you could say - knowledge)"

The scriptures have two sides to them, one is called "carnal," and the other is "Spiritual." To teach them carnally is called "the law," to teach them "Spiritually," is called "Christ," or "understanding," "life" etc. I'll cover most of this in a discussion about the "law."

As I am new at this (web), and have very little training skills in writing, please try to overlook my inexperience; it will help you understand the relationships I'm trying to establish. I have "a message" I want to share, that's all. I will try to keep my message and grammar at about seventh grade level, so that "the children" may comprehend without having to do too much dictionary research and interrupting their train of thought, thus losing interest. There has to be much scripture brought in at first, to show how the "contradictions" convert themselves. There also may seem to be more repetition than necessary, but essential, in order to see how they work on other levels; eventually they're not noticeable.

Once there has been ample biblical explanation in order to relate to physics and other areas, I'll add some interesting points from various writers in their field. For many of you this will be something you can just read and comprehend, and for others you may want to copy and print for closer study and constructive scrutiny. For those of you who have read my book, "The Two Witnesses/The Holy-Gram Of Biblical Physics," will notice I've expounded a little more on certain points where I didn't have space in the book.

The Bible, understood Spiritually, teaches how the universe came into being "before the Big Bang;" how that "God" and the "universe" are self begotten, who and what God is, the inter-action of all its laws; involution, evolution, biology, astronomy, Spiritual - or mental D.N.A., the decoding of the pyramids; etc. etc.. Many of you are aware of this, but my concern is for the innocent that can't enjoy the things we do because they have been bound and blinded by the literal interpretation of the Bible over the centuries. It is now time to show the "other side" of it, and to set free the captives that live in fear and dread of a god that punishes the ignorant, Spiritually that is. All ancient scripture, "was not" written to - or for human beings. They were written to the one that resides in the human body; to the one that leaves the human body at its "death"; thus the confusion of interpretation. The literal "story" of Jesus, is a personification of the macro - micro - evolution of universal understanding and righteousness out-side and in-side all of us. "This," is the "other Jesus" spoken of in second Corinthians chapter 11, verse 4, and it suggest when we "hear this interpretation ,we should weigh it or, "bear with it." There are two sides to scripture, and for six thousand years we have only been presented with one, you might guess which one that is. But, was it necessary?

Here is a true quote from the "New Testament Apocrypha." "You must know the mystery of all nature and the beginning of all things, how it came about " To me, there is nothing more beautiful than pure unadulterated esoteric logic. What few books, from the many, they did use to compile the Bible, still makes it one of the greatest science books going.

Dwayne Sheffield



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