I am privileged to post the following by Barbara Beck Goodman.


Some discussion has been going on about time and Space. Here is a meditation that might relate to this topic.

We are searching for an entrance into knowing what is True. We are searching for an entrance into knowing what is Time.

Time: Time is an arbitrary standard taking unlimited endlessness (infinity)- sometimes called space - and cutting it, dividing it, separating it, multiplying it into pieces and parts and parcels so we can get a grip on it. We want to have a handle on it because we have limited minds that would like to feel secure and comprehend vast ideas by bringing down to definition and limitation something that is so great in scope that it is impossible to do. Nevertheless, we attempt it and by doing that, lose the infinite. We can not reduce infinity to finite terms. If we think we have done it, just think and ask who/what has been reduced in scope, imagination, and the use of the mind? Not the Infinite which still is, but the "definer" who doesn't even know who he is!

Timelessness is great unlimited endlessness, perpetuity, wideness without boundary, eternal openness and vastness of a place we call "space" which is also an effort to categorize something that should never have been limited. For to limit it in a definition of words is to limit the comprehensiveness of our minds to understand.

So is there a time? And is there a space? And is there relationship until there is none other? "One". The Unity Principle effected?

There seems to be time until you remove limitation. There seems to be space until you remove arbitrary categories that you believe in placed upon a concept of mind called Time/Space/Causality.

What do they have that brings them into one category?

Vero- "The third dimension is a form of measurement. In physics it is the intersection of three planes. Time/Space/Causality are qualities of that dimension."

Time* A division of endlessness/vastness Space* A division of position/place Cause* A division of meaning... Cause and effect are attempts to understand, to comprehend meaning. That's why you think "that way". (While "To Be or not to Be?" Beingness is Itself. Everything is Beingness.)

All three are "intentions of the mind" - Will.

All definitions limit and redefine, in order to place in so-called categories that which is desired to be comprehended. However, One/Spirit/Being/Force/Godhead can not be comprehended by imitating it, not by you as you are now. Transcendental metamorphosis must take place first for this to be.

An absolutely complete whole comprehensive consciousness of mind could understand. Then you could "know".

If the mind and the consciousness grow large and larger and largest, the rest may not be. The Best Will Be.

Pearls of Wisdom: A Love that does not bind will last forever. It has no bounds. Freedom has no bounds. Immortality is beyond the concept of bounds. There - No Time/Space/Causality.

Meditation: "Truth is the order of the Universe"

Reincarnation & Simultaneity

There is only NOW! Man thinks in progression to help him understand in familar terms So linear progression is a device that enables understanding where necessary.

Man is all things (Man & God. God & Man) and must play all roles, be all things i.e. a Unity Principle. After all, isn't that why "The Whole World is a Stage."?

Playing all the roles and being all things places all the pieces of the whole picture puzzle into human conceptualization or so-called perspective. Like entering a circle from multifold tangents to get the grasp of it.

So there is only ONE. That means you are it . You are GOD in your full potential. GOD is ALL. When you attain High Persona/True Self there is no Time or Place or Cause. No time? No progression. All Things/people/places? All YOU. So reincarnation is not progressive over "time". Reincarnation is actually simultaneous. It's just that we can't recognize that or most can not recognize that.

Transcend? Unity Principle? Returning to Source/Core? Reunion of all aspects of the ONE out of the ONE and in which that ONE lives is all YOU! Every so-called re-incarnation of anyone in any "time or place" is you "NOW"!

Simultaneity is true reality.*** Everything , everyone you read about, learn about, see around you, interchange with, react or interact with is yourself. Alchemy, Astrology, divination, mathematics, music, Angels is about and is YOU. There is only ONE. It is YOU NOW. When you recognize that and "Do unto others as you would do unto yourself." You are on your way to full realization.

ONE... Simultaneity explains the truth about reincarnation. For those who have ears to hear and those who have eyes to see this message is Truth. "

THIS IS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SELF." BARBARA BECK GOODMAN "Truth is the order of the Universe"