Her "New Vistas in Photoprose" rise out of her workshop named - Wisa Studios..
Her Signature in The Work is "Wisa."
So fair art thou my Love, so fair art thou.
None can compare with thee, my Love, your fairest brow.
You are so sweetly endowed, so ennobled, armour of gold.
Heavenly told throughout the world, charmingly remembered,
Extensively tendered love by all who behold my Love.
Forests bow to the breeze whispering boldly through the trees,
"Whose luminous locks, whispery threads alive,
Stand out as shimmering pathways to Heavenly Stations beyond the skies
As Angels flock to sing Her praise in true amazement?"
How lovely, outstanding in one point of beauty which is thou, thyself.
Reach out as I do now, as one married, blended, true love begun.
We are all that is needed in our own Selves. No "other" exists except with this marriage.
Through all the ages of man: beyond centuries, eons of years, great span to a no time that is now.
I bend my knee, I am upraised by BEAUTY!
Here comes the young God bearing flowers.
What a Force he carries beneath that calm exterior.
When does he unsheath to have fair maiden discover
That she is well met and bequeathed
An able, most magnificent lover?
Lo! Behold, no questions asked.
He knows his way surely.
All entrances are his by way of assertion and affirmation...
No doubt, no shout, no hesitancy.
He shines all bright as he takes his bride tonight.
One with One he enters, stands upon the threshold
Well balanced with an ear for the invisible unheard cue.
Intuitive he knows that now is the moment...ŠI to be one with you.
Instinctively he goes for that interior spot, the entrance wide open.
All eyes, mouth, hands, feet and body like rock, He's got it!
All he is, is in the mighty thrust of his force.
And all there is, is his for the taking.
He says, "Yes¨I go for it. Yes, it is mine. I claim the right,
All there is, or ever was, or ever shall there be
Is here and now within, and all of it is ME!
In deep sea
Waves above, darkness below
Swimmer I
Floating through chambers of hidden places
Caves and depths
Caverns with hidden faces
Lit by shimmering light
Upon the ocean floor
Giants swim past
But shadows in the dark
All within is of the depth and the dark
And nothing is without
Deep, deep, dark and down
The essense, the core
Of world universes rebound
Abound in my domain
And when I AM done and gone
Nothing will remain
Where Light shines, She goes
Unclothed in the finery of civilization for
She is the One who knows and is Wise (WISDOM) and
The Force and the Power and the Glory
That is Her ...
Is made known through the brilliant radiant white light that shines down on Her,
That is Her!
A Being of Light, bathed in the Sun.
Where She goes , so does Glorious Fire
WHO IS SHE? No mystery this, for if you reflect,
You will realize that this Being is no other than your SELF in High State.
Work is the key!
Work? What is that?
A process of elected ³doings² that bring you closer to the meaning and purpose of your life on this Earth.
Searching for balance, that state of receptivity that enables a ³communion² with the higher aspects of your Self on the Higher planes of consciousness.
Name them? Why?
You are there or you aren¹t. ³There² in consciousness that is, for you are ³really² everywhere at all times - though some aspects of yourself predominate in your consciousness as you ³grow². Ultimately it all comes together.
Pushing, shoving, anxiety, pure memorization does not get you over the threshold. Although I must state that knowledge in self conscious mode can be a firm foundation for higher inspired communication and knowing.
What will get you over the threshold? Receptivity and the work of becoming your Self by receiving and projecting as ³A CENTER OF EXPRESSION FOR THE PRIMAL WILL TO GOOD WHICH ETERNALLY CREATES AND SUSTAINS THE UNIVERSE². ..NOT TO FORGET REDEEMS THE UNIVERSE AS YOU!
THIS MEANS THAT a new persona will emerge from the cocoon. This means that you are born again in a true sense, as a Persona centered and ready and willing and as a Being who works the lessons of life into the Truth Principles of the Universe and puts it into your life with a Faith so grand, so great -that it can not be measured; that you are a Being who trusts the Universe, as you become the Universe and All . You know that you are the beginning and the end and the in-between, the light and the dark, cause and effect (while that still is around), the Creator and the created, the man and the GOD. YOU RISE OUT OF THE SHELLS OF MEMORY AND HABIT INTO THE INFINITE AND THE UNKNOWN and it doesn't matter. No fear. In balance there is no polarity and no extremes and so,no fear.
The ABSOLUTE TRUTH is known to you and it is YOURSELF!
Barbara Beck Goodman/Wisa