A Channeling from ASHTAR

SPIRITECH UK asked Cristah of GATEWAY TO ONENESS to channel ASHTAR on the spirituality-technological interface:

I would appreciate any channelings on the spirituality-technological interface. What does Ashtar and others have to say on this?

Cristah: Ashtar, this question has been asked - do you wish to respond to this?

Greetings beloved ones. Yes, this question should be answered and I will attempt to do so. This phenomena of the computer world has been developing for centuries. It is necessary for the world of earth to be brought together. It is a perfect vehicle for transmitting information quickly and bringing together all from different parts of your global areas. This is part of the manifest to oneness. Without this capability of computerized methods of communication, perhaps you can now see how impossible it would be for each of you begin to relate to one another and interrelate to the world around you. This is all positives and should be used with great respect. This system is also useful for applying the information of various thought systems and ideas around your globe. All will eventually begin to see the SIMILARITY instead of the differences. Spirituality is love. Repeat this: Spirituality is love...SPIRITUALITY IS LOVE. Remembering this will play an important role in utilizing the inventive systems that are helping each to connect to each other. This is where each will be able to express themselves, recognize another's point of view, and meet them in the middle , so to speak. This is necessary for the world to understand each other. For humans to open up to there humanistic ways and to understand that understanding, love and compassion are all that is necessary for a peaceful world of existence. Technology like this has existed in even greater forms much before your remembering.....and this was also its means of destruction. Once again, this opportunity has risen for the world and it is with great hope that this moment in time will be used for the greater good of all. Oh yes, there will always be those who will try as they may to misuse and disenchant the use of such devices. But, the greater numbers of those using this technology will respect the ability of its vastness and show appreciation by their respect. The technology used is only as helpful and healthy as its user. This is seen in your everyday world of leaders. Trust always in your willingness to follow the good road of life and you will always walk in the light. Todays technology and spiritual thought can work hand and hand. What other way exists that would bring so many of those of like minds together from across the oceans in such great numbers? Use this well and it will serve you well. It is serving its purpose.

I will close by thanking you for this opportunity to respond this question and the thought process of the JS Gluck who has requested such. Cyberspace is opening its doors to introduce all to the infinite that exists beyond. Opening an awareness of mind to the possibilities that this limited consciousness can perceive at this moment in your existence. It is a beginning that will allow one to step carefully into the vastness of the universe...soon, very soon. May the love and light of the Divine Oneness of us all bring many Blessings to you.


Cristah's Corner - GATEWAY TO ONENESS