ASHTAR channeled through Jeannie Weyrick

At its heart, the ascension is a spiritual awaking and a step to the next level of spiritual development. You chose to be born into a physical body to experience and learn from what the Earth has to offer. In most cases, you learn by being born into each life with a limited understanding of the spiritual being that you are. We are here to help you expand your awareness of yourself and to help those who wish to take that step to move on to their next level of spiritual development.

To ascend is to complete your 3D Earth studies and graduate to the next level. When you ascend you move beyond many of the limitations that you have on the 3D Earth and you regain a more complete conscious connection with your higher self and All That Is (God).

The Earth is multidimensional. It exists in many dimensions simultaneously and in each consecutive dimension there is greater spiritual awareness. Each dimension is separated by levels of conscious awareness.

For purposes of our discussions we will always refer to the Earth that people will be ascending to as the 5th dimensional (5D) Earth. Dimensions are not really numbered, but it makes it easier to talk about them in that way, and the term 5D is a very popular reference that is used by many people.

The 5D Earth is a physical planet and the experiences there are somewhat similar to that of this 3D Earth. Some of the differences are that people are much more consciously connected to their higher self and much more aware of the Oneness that exists between all beings. Because of this understanding the 5D Earth is a very beautiful and peaceful planet.

There are many Light workers on the Earth now to help people with the preparation that is needed to ascend. In the future they will complete their own ascensions and teach all over the world. Right now these Light workers are helping by channeling Sananda (Jesus), the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, and many other higher dimensional beings. Bringing their messages, love and energy to the Earth.

Light workers are people who are from the higher dimensions who have incarnated on the Earth in this lifetime to help with the ascension. Most Light workers have incarnated on the Earth many times over the millenniums as teachers and spiritual leaders, helping and supporting the spiritual development of people on the Earth.

There are decisions that you need to make about your future. You have many options. You can choose to remain as you are and go on living your life and ignore the ascension completely. You can become more spiritually aware and work with your higher self and guides on a more conscious level and decide to stay on this 3D Earth to live out the rest of your natural life in a more awakened state. Or you can make a decision to physically ascend, when the time comes, to the 5D Earth. There are no wrong decisions and you can trust yourself and follow your heart as to what is best for you personally.

There will come a time in the future when there will be a mass ascension of all the people who wish to ascend. This time will be determined by when people are ready, there is no predetermined date. When the time comes for most people to make the decision of whether or not to ascend, they will understand exactly what will happen if they do ascend and what they have to do in preparation for it.

A part of the preparation is to become more consciously connected with your spiritual self; your higher self. Your higher self is the full spiritual being that you are beyond all of your physical lives.

Every person on the Earth is capable of opening to their own higher self for conscious reconnection and for guidance by them. Becoming aligned with your higher self will help you greatly during the years of preparation for the ascension. People can also call on their own guides and any higher dimensional teacher to help them. It is especially important during these years of expanded spiritual awakening and preparation for ascending to be very connected with your guidance so that you can trust in and better understand what you are undertaking.

Even though the final ascension will be a mass ascension, it is still a very individual process and experience. Each person has to prepare themselves in a way that will best suit them. This may be a little different for everyone, because everyone is starting out from a different degree of higher self awareness and a different set of spiritual beliefs.

You do not have to make a final decision about whether to ascend or not until the time of the mass ascension. But you can give yourself the opportunity to ascend by preparing yourself for it now; by being more open to your higher self and seeking out greater spiritual truths and understandings. You can discern what you need to read or hear, and people you need to be with for your own ascension process, by following your heart and trusting what rings true to you.

I am always ready to help everyone who asks for my help.

Love Ashtar

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This Article is reproduced courtesy of Jeannie of WORLD LIGHT CENTER


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