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The Mission Statement of the Newbrook Observatory Historical Society:

We pledge to Restore and promote our Historical, Educational Research Facility, Preserving and sharing for all generations and nations. the legendary aborigional myths, pioneering research and scientific knowledge of the past present and future.

Society Members:

The Board of Directors:

Hazel Humm, President
Jim Horricks , Vice president, and County representative
Kim Herrmann, Secretary Treasurer
Farrel Tully, Director
Betty Dowhan, Director
Walter Nikiforuk, Director

Regular Members:

Leo DavidsRay BarronRick DafoePat Sullivan
Trevor DafoeDoug HummCyndi HummEarl Bowes
Barbara BonneauHanna MessalNick LazowskiRalph Johnson
Helen RadomskyPeter SimonGlen BrooksDennis Brooks
James BrooksLeo KuzikJohn EmmersonMorris Brooks
Nick KuzykGloria KuzykTed MeynRichard Meyn
Paul VanceGeorge BrynzakBen KachkowskiLil Vekved
Billy GrahamAlex GordeyMike SenykEileen Weitzel
Herb MegleyBill BennetDoug Bragg Donna Meyn

Apologies to anybody I have left off of this list, and a warm thank you to everybody involved in this project.

This page is dedicated to the memory of Barbara Bonneau - Founding Vice President of the Newbrook Observatory Historical Society

For more information about this site please contact Leo Davids Webmaster

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