Quotations from Students' Evaluations

"Fantastic educator." "Surpassed what I expected." "He was enthusiastic and genuine in his teachings." "Dr. Zhai showed that his thought process is superior, and he is a genius." "Dr. Zhai was an excellent teacher. I learned a great deal from him." "He is one of the best." "I wish I could have a class of his again. He was so inspirational!" "His energy and explanations made the class a pleasure." "I would like to see others get enlightened by his teachings." "The professor was very enthusiastic and loves his work and we love him!" "Highly recommend Dr. Zhenming Zhai. He was excellent and made this course!!" "Very interesting and enjoyable." "Gave good overview of philosophical method." "This was the best course I have ever taken." "What a diverse & talented individual!" "Be open-minded and this course is a joy as well as educational experience." "Variety of instructional methods all excellent!" "Group discussion without the professor's interference really helped." "Encouragement of creative and critical thinking is beyond excellent!" "Zhai's teaching style is perfect for me individually and I think for everyone else too." "I will definitely take another course with him not matter what it is."

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