SamGau's HomePage


You are the th person to visit my page.......

so i wont keep you waiting...

There is much to know about me, First call me SAM if you please...

My domain is Aerospace Engineering, and if you want to know my qualifications to date check out my resume.

I'm an International Student in the states,

If you wanna Know where I'm from...Click HERE

To the Light of my life....An Express link to my girlfriend TINA's Site.

Hmmm...are you not interested to know what I look like?

Here are some pictures of me, my gf "Tina" and my friends.

Wait I got a little treat for ya:

So whacha think..huh :)

For more animations Check my Animation Page

Note:It may take some time to load....:(


My other me
School (Blah)
My Friend Sam
My Friend Maurice

A cool ftp site for SPACE pics
A neat Aviation Site
The NewSpace Network

Anyway, Thanks for visiting...

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