La Paz, Bolivia (3510 m)

How to reach us

From outside Bolivia:
    Phones: (591-2) 224-5394 or
                 (591-2) 222-9504

From inside Bolivia:
    Phones: (02) 224-5394
               (02)  222-9504
    You can purchase a phone calling card (tarjeta magnetica de Entel).

From the city of La Paz:
    Phones: 224-5394
              222 -9504

From all locations:
    Fax:: (1-603) 584-5976 in the US
    mail: P.O. Box 2852
            La Paz, Bolivia

You can contact us at zubieta@altitudeclinic.com 

Once in La Paz, transportation is quite simple. Call us  to confirm your appointment and you will be given information on how to reach us.

Clinica IPPA is located in the Miraflores neighborhood, at Av. Saavedra # 2302 (frente Estado Mayor).

You can take a radiotaxi and ask them to take you to Clinica IPPA (Av. Saavedra # 2302). Cost is quite low.

Spanish instructions:
 Please print this page and cut along the border lines below and give it to the taxi driver.
Clinica IPPA
Av. Saavedra 2302
(Frente al Estado Mayor)


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Copyright  Jan/24/96 IPPA - La Paz, Bolivia