We have approximately 35 members of which around 20 are active. We are located at Marlette airport (77G) which is 50 miles North of Detroit on the M53 near the I69 freeway. Operational at weekends between April and November and weekdays by arrangement, we mainly use our trusty winch for lunching.
Originally formed in the early 1950's flying from Big Beaver Airport, in Troy, we moved north to a new home at Oxford. This was our home for a long time as a winch launch only operation and when the land was eventually used for quarrying, we gratefully shared facilities with the Sandhill Club near Gregory. Since 1994 we have flown from Maple Grove Airport and Almont before settling on our present home, Marlette.
Currently, a one time payment of $350 is required and annual dues of $120 plus $65 for Soaring Society of America membership. Dues and membership are waived for gliding instructors. Aerotow fees (when available) are $15 to 2000', $20 to 3000 or $4 per winch tow. Two Seater rates are $15 per hour and the K-8 runs at $12 per hour. Instruction is given free by our instructors. A newsletter is also published randomly for the benefit of our members.
We have two L13 Blaniks and one ASK-8. Amongst our private fleet we have a Std Cirrus, LS8, ASK-6 and an HP18.
Monthly meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every month except August and December. Currently the venue for this is in the lobby of IFL East on Airport Road at 8:00 pm.
The contact address for our club is:
The Vultures Inc 16148 Aspen Hollow Fenton MI 48430or use our voice mail telephone number:
248 975 6016
Alternatively, call Club member coordinater Rex Furney at 248 693-6130.
Soaring WebRing site owned by The Vultures. To visit other soaring sites, select a link below.Adrian Soaring Club | 517-265-3828 |
Benz Aviation (Ionia) | 616-527-9070 |
Cadillac Soaring LLC | 231-633-7825 |
Detroit Tuskegee Airmen Glider Club | Grosse Pointe |
Northwest Soaring Club | 231-620-4066 |
Kittyhawk Soaring Club | 734-207-7914 |
Marshall Soaring Club | 517-231-0085 |
Sandhill Soaring Club | 248-755-7574 |