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Gene Whitt's aviation articles
Updated 6th June, 2003
Jul 2, 1999
The aviation part of this site is not being actively maintained any longer. Please go to Gene's site
directly at
This site has some of Gene Whitt's aviation
related articles written in Microsoft Word 6 (self-extracting archive
format) A great source of information especially
for student pilots. Private pilots can benefit from Gene's attention to
detail and is a great refresher in the practical aspects of flying.
Click on the links below to download files from this page. They
are 4 self-extracting files which will extract to the directory of your
choosing. They have been renamed to "zip" files to allow a proper
download to your system. Please follow the instructions below -
Once downloaded into a temporary area on your hard disc,
- RENAME the file from to filename.exe and make
it an executable file for DOS/Windows - VERY IMPORTANT!
Double click on the executable file. The PKSFX window will appear. In the
top line titled "Extract to:" you might want to delete the default choice
and type in C:\Directory\Sub-directory where you wish to put the extracted
files. Check ON the "Recreate Directories" button and then do the Extraction.
Repeat for the other files.
The default path is C:\airplane\zip
Questions regarding the contents of the discs should be addressed to contains VFR student/private pilot (part 1) training files (1.19MB)
in MS Word 6 format - Last update: Feb '98 contains VFR student/private pilot (part 2) training files (1.09MB)
in MS Word 6 format - Last update: Feb '98 IFR related topics discussed here
(616kB) in MS Word format - Last update - Feb '98 Short articles on various aspects
of flying (412kB) in MS Word format - Last update: Feb '98
Here are all the articles from the file available for online
reading in PDF format. You will need Adobe
Acrobat reader ver. 3.0 for this.
Articles |
| Cockpit |
| | About carb heat |
| | Use of checklists |
| | On overcontrolling |
| | Little things that make a better pilot |
| | About P-factor |
| | Cruise control for airplanes |
| Flare |
| | Flare - Part 0 |
| | Flare - Part 1 |
| | Generic landing |
| | The last thirty seconds |
| | The whys of poor landings |
| | Difficult patterns |
| Flights |
| | 25 hours (Poor students?) Day 1 |
| | 25 hours (Poor students?) Day 2 |
| | Checkride (notes from all over) |
| | Mountain cross country |
| | Ten days to get a license |
| | Weather flight |
| History |
| | It's about Time |
| | E6B |
| | How aircraft got their green &
red running lights |
| | How we got pattern A and pattern B |
| | Why airplane pilots sit on the left side |
| | Miles and miles |
| | Spins were a one time thing in 1914 |
| Landings |
| | Calm wind landings |
| | Crosswind operations |
| | Go Arounds, Part 1 |
| | Go Arounds, Part 2 |
| | Go Arounds, Hazards |
| | Airport Patterns |
| Night Flying, Safety |
| | Night Flight, Part 1 |
| | Night Flight, Part 2 |
| | Safety, the little things |
| | Safety, it is relative to ... |
| Radio |
| | Radio work, Part 1 |
| | Radio work, Part 2 |
| | Exercises in radio work |
| | FSS Procedures |
| | GPS and LORAN |
| | Radar communications |
| | Uncontrolled airports |
| | Transponder basics |
| Solo, SVFR etc |
| | Safe Airspeeds |
| | Ready to solo? |
| | Afraid of stalls? |
| | Introduction to SVFR |
| | SVFR training |
| | SVFR, Airspace and comm
examples |
| Teaching |
| | Beginning Lessons |
| | Judgement |
| | Pilotage |
| | Training program |
| | What do you do if you're not making progress? |
| | Why teach with a recorder |
| | Instructional sequence |
| | Soft-field takeoff |
| | How I do it |
| | Now what? |
| Theory |
| | Why is there so much poor instruction? |
| | More on instruction |
| | The nature of certainty |
| | Critique |
| | Memory |
| | The way it should be |
| Training |
| | Airsickness |
| | Dutch rolls |
| | Finding airports |
| | Gadgets |
| | Course reversal |

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