Motherwit's Lesson in Latin

Retired Gunny Sargeant Anthony L. Hamric
November 24, 1939 ~ June 27, 1999
Beloved Husband, Son, Father, Brother, Uncle, Nephew
Passed On to God's Army on June 27, 1999
Let the Unrighteous be Forewarned!!!

Latin. always faithful: motto of the U.S. Marine Corps

My Big Brother

When I was just a little girl
And my hair just had but one small curl
I was loved and adored
by someone who would carry a sword.

He was my hero, even then, you see
For he meant all the world to me
In my eyes, there was no other
In the world like my big brother.

As he grew up, straight and tall
He did hear his country call.
He was just a boy, but then
they sent him someplace near Phnom Penh.

I was still too young to know
Just how much he'd have to grow
Into a man that could never be
An innocent child again with me.

So, I went about my rebellious youth,
seeking "justice" and "the truth",
while all the time, my big brother,
lived a Hell like no other.

While I was wearing beads of "Peace",
my brother was learning Vietnamese;
it was required, you understand,
for he was in this Hell called Viet Nam.

To be sent home, was his dream,
at nights when he heard his buddies scream.
But, he held tight to his love for me
so that I could be forever free.

This time has come and gone, and yet
this is a nightmare I can't forget.
For though my brother came home at last
there is a wall I can't get past.

He carries it with him wherever he goes
and the Hell he lived, only he knows.
For it is something he will not share,
for to him it would be like taking me there.

When I was just a little girl
And my hair just had but one small curl
I was loved and adored
by someone who would carry a sword.

He was my hero, even then, you see
For he meant all the world to me
In my eyes, there was no other
In the world like my big brother.

But, now that I am a grandmother
my love for him, still, is like no other,
For I have a grandson that is loved and adored,
and I pray that he will never carry that sword.

For although, my brother did come home,
he, like so many others, felt all alone.
There was no honor, no parade, no glory,
And no one who wanted to hear their story.

So, brushed aside, they struggled to find
why there are those still left behind.
They struggle to speak about it, yet,
But, they're in a country that wants to forget.

This Poem Is Dedicated To My Oldest Big Brother
Retired Gunny Sargeant Anthony L. Hamric
U.S.M.C. 1956 ~ 1976

To My Adopted Brother
PFC Thomas M. Hanratty (crew chief)
United States Marine Corps
Start of Tour: Sunday, June 11, 1967
Date of Casualty: Sunday, June 11, 1967
Age at time of loss: 20.

And To All Of My Other Brothers
Who Have Not Returned Home Yet

Written By Bexboomer
April 24, 1998

©1998~2001 Bexboomer Creations All Rights Reserved

My Adopted Brother


Name: Thomas Michael Hanratty
Rank/Branch: E2/US Marine Corps
Unit: HMM 265, Marine Air Group 16
Date of Birth: 19 June 1946
Home City of Record: Beulah CO
Date of Loss: 11 June 1967
Country of Loss: South Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 165454N 1065530E (YD048689)
Status (in 1973): Killed In Action/Body Not Recovered
Category: 2
Acft/Vehicle/Ground: CH46A

Other Personnel In Incident:
    Dennis R. Christie,
    Charles D. Chomel;
    John J. Foley;
    Jose J. Gonzales;
    Curtis R. Bohlscheid;
    Michael W. Havranek;
    James W. Kooi,
    Jim E. Moshier;
    John S. Oldham;
    James E. Widener
    (all missing)

Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project
15 June 1990 from one or more of the following:
    raw data from U.S. Government agency sources,
    correspondence with POW/MIA families,
    published sources,


SYNOPSIS: On 11 June 1967, CAPT Curtis Bohlscheid was the pilot
of a CH46A helicopter inserting the seven-man Marine Battalion Recon
team (Summersail One) into a predesignated area 11 1/2 nautical miles
northwest of Dong Ha, South Vietnam -- right on the (DMZ)
Demilitarized Zone . A total of four aircraft were involved in the
mission, two CH46's (from HMM-265) and two UH1E helicopter gunships
(from VMO-2). Bohlscheid flew[as Helicopter Aircraft Commander] of
the lead aircraft (EP-158).

His crew included MAJ John S. Oldham (copilot), PFC Thomas M.
Hanratty (crew chief) and LCPL Jose J. Gonzales (gunner).

Members of the 3rd Recon Company, 3rd Recon Battalion, 3rd Marine
Division who were being inserted were CPL Jim E. Moshier, LCPL
Dennis R. Christie, LCPL John J. Foley III, LCPL Michael W.
Havranek, LCPL James W. Kooi, PFC Charles D. Chomel, and PFC
James E. Widener.

The flight departed Dong Ha at about 11:15 a.m. and proceeded to
the insertion location. The gunships made low strafing runs over
the landing zone to clear booby traps and to locate any enemy
troops in the area. No enemy fire was received and no activity
was observed.

The lead aircraft then began its approach to the
landing zone. At an estimated altitude of 400-600 feet, the
helicopter was observed to climb erratically, similar to an
aircraft commencing a loop. Machinegunmen had been waiting for
the opportune time to fire on the aircraft. Portions of the
rear blades were seen to separate from the aircraft and a radio
transmission was received from the aircraft indicating that it
had been hit. The helicopter became inverted and continued out
of control until it was seen to crash by a stream in a steep

Subsequent efforts by ground units to reach the crash area failed
due to a heavy bunker complex surrounding the site. The ground
units inspected the site from within 500 meters through
binoculars and observed no survivors. All eleven personnel
aboard the helicopter were therefore classified Killed In
Action, Body Not Recovered. Other USMC records indicate that the
helicopter also burst into flames just prior to impacting the

For the crew of the CH46A lost on June 11, 1967, death seems a
certainty. For hundreds of others, however, simple answers are
not possible. Adding to the torment of nearly 10,000 reports
relating to Americans missing in Southeast Asia is the certain
knowledge that some Americans who were known to be prisoners of
war were not released at the end of the war. Others were
suspected to be prisoners, and still others were in radio
contact with would-be rescuers when last seen alive. Many were
known to have survived their loss incidents, only to disappear
without a trace.

The problem of Americans still missing torments not only the
families of those who are missing, but the men who fought by
their sides, and those in the general public who realize the
full implication of leaving men unaccounted for at the end of
a war.

Tragically, many authorities believe there are hundreds of
Americans still alive in captivity in Southeast Asia today. What
must they be thinking of us? What will our next generation say
if called to fight if we are unable to bring these men home
from Southeast Asia?

Many thanks goes to:
Al Barbour
USMC/Vietnam Helicopter Association

for his help in updating the accuracy of this account. Thank you PopaSmoke!

The VietNam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page
How to add this link to your homepage

Permission to re-print
has been granted by the author.

This is Beulah, Colorado,
where Pfc Thomas Michael Hanratty's family and friends
are still waiting for him to come home. Gear Store! Free Screensavers!

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