The Joseph Newman Chat Forum

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For over thirty years, Inventor Joseph Newman has been innovating a revolutionary technology which will TOTALLY DECENTRALIZE our access to energy and provide an inexpensive, non-polluting form of electromagnetic energy which will replace ALL present forms of energy production. His struggle to bring this new technology to mankind has been constant. While many respected scientist and others have stood by his side, still others in the scientific community as well as political officials and governmental agencies, (The US Patent office included) have tharwted his attempts to bring this technology forward to the public. Yet others have even attemted to "steal" his technology and claim it for themselves. Financially Newman, a man of little means has endured this "David and Galaith" type battle for many years now and is still pushing forward with all his might to accomplish his goal and experience his dream for all mankind! His story unfolds in these pages...

The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman's Home Page