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03 SEP 1997
Civil Air Patrol
Honolulu Composite Squadron, Cadet Program
Immediate NEWS
Roster Limited access only.
Encampment Links:
Cadet Summer Encampment July 1997, Hickam NCO Academy - Hawaii.
A Little Info About Us
The Honolulu Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol meets at
Diamond Head Crater in an area known as Battery Harlow. We meet
every Saturday from 9am to 12 noon. You're invited to visit us
anytime. If you would like to know the schedule for the meeting,
which changes depending on our activities for the week, just
call 732-5831 for a recorded message. We hope you can
stop by!
What Did You Do This Summer?
CAP Cadets do lots of things that most kids just watch on TV.
They serve on ground search teams, direct flight line operations, manage
radio comms with CAP aircraft, and even fly gliders and powered
planes. Yep. For real.
Are you interested in being part of a volunteer team
that's committed to service? Find out more about the Civil Air
Patrol. We're always looking for good people who want to get
Who Can Join?
You can be CAP cadet if you are at least 12 years old or have
graduated the 5th grade and not over 18 years old (If you're
over 18 see the Senior Member program information).
What About Costs?
There is a yearly membership fee. Also, our squadron collects
a monthly due of $4.00. Other costs to consider are for your
uniform and other equipment. We are able to provide some
uniform and materials through various resources - call for the
latest information.
How Do I Get There?
Enter Diamond Head Crater; take the second right and drive
through the restricted area (past the heliport); when the road
curves up, follow it and go through the second tunnel to the
outside rim of Diamond Head; we're just down the road --
Battery Harlow.
How To Contact Us
Our mailing address is:
Honolulu Composite Squadron
PO BOX2 9417
Honolulu, HI 96820
Our Phone number is:
(808) 732-5831
Honolulu Composite Squadron
Web page. Main Site
CAP National Headquarters
Hawaii Wing
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Timothy L. Archer

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