Hi, my name is Champ. I am a stuffed bear. I am six years old. I came home with Amber for the week. We are in first grade. The kids in my class take turns taking me home each Thursday. Over the past weeks I saw brothers and sisters, some were babies. I went to work with someones mom and even got to sell Girl Scout cookies. I met dogs and cats. I even went to the firehouse. I went apple picking and went to the haunted house. I went to a bowling alley and ate pizza, soda, and cake. I helped someones mom do the laundry and clean the house. I saw a play called Babes in Toyland. I went trick or treating, and helped eat the candy. I played a lot of video games. I played war and won. I went to the soccer field and rooted for my friend's team. I had to hide from one of my friends dogs so he wouldnt think I was a toy and bite me. I played with a lot of stuffed animals and posed with them for the pictures in the class journal. I helped celebrate a mothers birthday, then watched TGIF and ate popcorn. I got to see the Norwalk Aquarium and Maritime Center. I saw singing cows and went to gymnastics. I really liked the train show.
I really liked watching TV and cuddling and falling asleep with everyone. I am looking foward to meeting the rest of the kids in Amber's class.
This year we went to West Point by boat, and came back on the school bus. The boat ride up the Hudson River was really fun. We went under the Bear Mountain Bridge, and saw a lot of really nice houses along the water. These were my classmates Allain, Nicole, Me (Amber), and Chris. My father was taking the picture, he was along on the trip to help our teacher.