A groups of amateur radio operators such as myself volunteer for public events/charities like the American Cancer Society, Multiple Sclerosis Association, Cerebral Palsy, American Diabetes Association, and the March of Dimes, to name a few. The communications we provide are essential for the safety of the participants, and officials/organizers of the event. We foward information pertaining to medical emergencies, supplies, lead and trailing runner information, and traffic conditions.

This was the Lederle Labs 5K race for the March Of Dimes in 1997.

The volunteers for this 5K race were Ray, Bob, Lonny, Tony, and I'm Harold behind the camera. This was also the net control station, Ray's truck. The purpose of a net control station is to make sure all messages get through in order of priority. It may sound easy but its actually a job that takes a lot of practice. Ray is extremely good at it.

Sometimes it helps to have a more mobile operator, to make sure the last runner has passed a specific point. This is Lonny on his bicycle as he stopped at my checkpoint.

Some of the runners as they pass my checkpoint

This was the Rockland Y-ATHLON, to benefit the local Y. This time Tony was the net control, and Ray, Bob, and myself (Harold), were around the course. The Race is interesting in that the participants have to run once around the lake (about 4 miles), then bike 3 times around the lake, then run around the lake a last time.

Some of the participants:

This was the Lederle Labs 5K run held in 1998. In the picture is Bob, Pete, Harold (me), Bob (luckily amateur callsigns are unique), and Gene.

Click on the picture to go to the selected year
New York City Marathon 1996
New York City Marathon 1997
New York City Marathon 1998
New York City Marathon 1999
New York City Marathon 2000
New York City Marathon 2001
New York City Marathon 2002
New York City Marathon 2003
New York City Marathon 2004
New York City Marathon 2005

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