CCAMS Rocketry Education Program

Rocketry Education Program (R·E·P)

"R·E·P" is a program designed to help educate people of all ages about rocket safety. Three formats are available:

  1. A short, half-hour overview of rocket safety and the laws relating to rocketry, with an optional demonstration launch;
  2. The above with the opportunity for participants to launch rockets they have pre-built; or
  3. The overview with demonstration, assistance building rockets, and finally launching the rockets.
Option #3 obviously is the most time-intensive, and takes several hours or a couple of days to complete, depending on the number of participants. Option #1 is a free community service offered by CCAMS. Call (805)481-7056 or write for details and pricing information for options #2 and #3 or to schedule any R·E·P sessions.

REP is an excellent program idea for schools; youth, family, or church groups; service clubs; etc. Supplies and materials may even be purchased through the CCAMS store at a discount.

Please note: Due to limited resources, R·E·Ps are generally only available from Morro Bay/Atascadero through Santa Maria/Lompoc. Exceptions can only be made for large groups or when time and expenses can be compensated.

Scheduled R·E·Ps: None to date.

CCAMS (805)481-7056
P.O. Box 1252, Pismo Beach, CA 93448-1252
Write or call (805)481-7056 to set up an appointment or for more information.

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