Welcome to my home page!


I am PhD student at the mathematics department of the Universität Tübingen. As a member of the Arbeitsbereich Analysis, my research interest is the regularity theory of curves evolving under the curvature flow and the extension of curves across singularities. For my Diplomarbeit (PostScript, 2.0 MB), I considered curves in Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds which evolve under the curvature flow. I showed that, under natural assumptions, as long as the curvature is uniformly bounded, there is a long-time solution to this initial value problem and that this solution converges asymptotically to a geodesic.

During most of the year 1999, I was visiting the mathematics department at the Monash University in Clayton, which belongs to the Melbourne metropolitan area. My stay was sponsored in part by the German academic exchange service, and also by the SFB 382 of the DFG.

For your enjoyment, I have scanned the best of my pictures from Down Under. new

During the academic year 1995/6 I was graduate student at the physics department of the University of Oregon , in Eugene , OR.
This was part of an exchange program between the State of Oregon (U.S.A.) and the state of Baden-Württemberg (F.R.Germany).

I already live a couple of years in Tübingen and I would still recommend it as a nice and cosy place for living and studying. Just convince yourself by considering all the events that take place each day. Also have a visit to my page with links on the traditional punting boats (Stocherkähne) in Tübingen.

If you want to send e-mail, I recommend using encryption with PGP, for security reasons. You can directly download my public key.

These references may help you as background material on HTML related questions.

These are some of my favorite bookmarks (although some might be outdated):

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Oliver's Home Page / Oliver Stoll / September 7,1998 / oliver.stoll@uni-tuebingen.de