Wedding pictures

On July 21st 2001 Vicky and I were married at Merredith Road Baptist Church Coventry.

Our bridesmaids were our friend Ruth Quarton.
Rosalind Lankfer and Charlotte Wiggins. The best man was my brother Philip Ball. The minister was Maurice Markham, the Minister of my church for a great many years. My parents had also been married at Merredith Road a great many years ago.

Both sets of parents Gillian and Martyn Whitehead looking suitably happy. The new Mr and Mrs Ball, Vicky and David. Mike and Edna Ball the older Mr and Mrs Ball.

My Brother Philip With his new Wife Diane Who are currently working in Kenya.
The car that took Vicky to the Church and us to the reception. I'm amazed I manged to fit in the back sitting next to Vicky's dress.
Vicky's family her brother Mat is on the far right he was an usher on the day and did a great deal of ushering.
Vicky's relatives, Madaleine Murphy, Phil Lankfer, Valerie Fletcher, Paul Fletcher, My wife, Peter Bennett, Me, Ray Smith, Iris Bennett and Rosemary Smith.
I really like this photo because I think I look quite dashing and thoughful but was probably just bored waiting for the next photo to be taken. It was quite and ordeal but we got them done eventually.
What ever I had just said here it was hillarious!
Almost a perfect picture posed brilliantly can you see the person spoiling it? I suppose I could digitally add eyeballs to it.

Confetti throwing video.

    Right click on the above link and select save target as then save the file is the best way to download.

    This is a video clip from a digital camera. It might take a while to load (it's 3 meg) but its defiantly worth it.

    The manin the white shirt running into the shot is the photographer who seems to think he is in charge. It clearly shows IVOR GREEN covering me in confetti long after the confetti throwing has finished. You can see me pulling rice from my hair after Vicky's best friend Ally in a red jacket had thrown it in.

David Ball @Hotmail
Davids pictures
Vicky's family.
David's Drawings
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