Nothofagus alpina (Poepp. et Endl.) Oerst.


 Nothofagus procera (Poepp. et Endl.) Oerst.
 Nothofagus nervosa (Phil.) Krasser

General Features

 Endemic tree from the subantarctic forests of Chile and Argentina.

 Rauli grows in the mountain hillsides, at intermediate altitudes between de 300 to 1,200 m., it prefers to grow in deep soils with good drainage.  Some of the limiting factors that affect it are the low temperatures, wide temperature fluctuations, very wet soils and prolonged dry seasons.

 Is a very intolerant specie that demands light.

Botanical Characteristics

 Deciduous monoic tree, it can reach between 35 to 40 m in height and a little over 2 m of diameter, is a fast growing specie with a straight stem, not too knotty and in his superior portion is branches free, with a small and sparse crown.

 The leaves are the biggest ones from all the south american Nothofagus, with an oblong to aovate-lanceolate form, they can be between 12 to 18 cm long and 5 to 10 cm wide, they have slightly serrate borders with a very notorious and copious nervation.

 The masculine flowers are disposed by three, in short racemes.  The feminine flowers are located by three in the interior of a 4 valved cupule, they have foliaceous and glandulous appendixes.  The fruits are nuts with a chocolate like color, they have a flattened seed and two more that are triangular, all of them present winds that are whitish in the sides.


 It flowers during spring months, October to December and it gives fruits during March.


 This specie is highly recommended for commercial plantations or reforestation, and to manage its very abundant second growth forests.

 It sprouts vigorously from the stump or stub after cuttings and fires.

 Nothofagus alpina grows faster than Nothofagus obliqua and it can reach, in favorable situations, cutting dimensions when it is between 70 to 80 years old.

 Rauli has one of the most appreciate and valuable woods that can be obtained from the chilean native forests.  It presents a sapwood that is whitish to yellowish and a reddish or gray reddish heartwood of excellent properties, it is resistant, elastic and it has with a fine grain, it is less durable and lighter than roble’s heartwood, it is mainly used in furniture.

Prepared by:  Maria Teresa Serra V.  Departamento de Silvicultura, Facultad de Cs. Agrarias y Forestales.  Universidad de Chile.

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Last update: January 27, 1998