(My hair *finally* grew out long again...I'll have to get a new picture on here soon... =)
It is also my goal to promote physics to allpeople.
One way that I hope to do this is through my
writing. I really enjoy writing essays, but it takes so much out of
you that it is hard to make myself do it. Luckily for me, I suppose, I
have my classes to make me do it on occassion!
Other Facts:
Early 1997 I finished knitting my first real sweater and I am really pleased. It is a fairly complicated, traditional Irish fisherman's-type cable-knit (Aran) sweater, made of 100% natural grey wool, complete with burrs right off of the sheep! (I picked them out as I knit it.) I began work on it on November 4th, 1996 and finished it January 19th, 1997. It took a lot of patience, but I really enjoyed the work. It is nice to be able to do something that keeps my hands busy, but still allows me to turn off my mind (for the most part) and relax. I also want to try and knit some wool socks. I'll let you know if they resemble anything sock-like when I am done!
I finished one sock, and I believe it actually will fit my foot better than my head or something, so I guess it's not bad! I knit loosely, and it was a bit larger than I would have liked, so I started a new pair with smaller needles. They seem like they will end up the right size. I haven't had much time to knit lately though...there's always a test to be preparing for, in at least one of my classes.
Update January 1998: I am a little over half-way through another sweater...a forest green wool cable sweater. I think it will be much better than the last one, if I can ever find the time to finish it.
I started out my higher education at the University of New Mexico, but left the land of enchantment to be closer to my family, including my incredibly sweet, intelligent and beautiful daughter, Ashly, who lives in North Carolina. January 17th, 1998 was her thirteenth birthday!!!!! Happy Birthday, girlie!
I hope to be designing some physics pages soon [no, really!] [uhh, ok, maybe not quite so soon, but sometime before the Earth plunges to a firey demise into the Sun], but until then, here are a few good physics links:
Also, check out my essay on Highland Beliefs and The Battle of Culloden. And of course we always savor a good single malt Scotch whisky:
Here are a few other Scottish links:Update: Link Found! Well the missing link has been found!
I bought a small (375ml) bottle of Australian Sauterne, and am wondering what it will taste like. I have never heard of Australians doing Sauterne (although they sure do know their Shiraz and Chardonnay), but I will let you know if it is any good. Most French Sauterne run at least $30+ for a small bottle, so if the Australians can get a good, inexpensive, complex, not-too-sweet wine, then it is certainly good news for me! Update: It was quite pleasant actually, but now it has been a couple of months, and I cannot swear as to the vinter, but I *think* it was Lindemans. If you see it, it is definately worth a try, as are almost all Australian wines, especially the Rosemount Shiraz and Chardonnays.
I started working for a wine shop winter '97, called The Strawberry Street
Vinyard. I really enjoyed working there, but I found it too dificult
to have the time for my school work, so I had to switch to an "on call"
status. I learned a lot and enjoyed working with the people there.
Perhaps someday I'll have my own wine shop... or at least a *huge*
wine cellar! ;)
Any comments would be appreciated. Please do not reproduce these essays without my express written consent. I can be reached via Email at raina@bitsmart.com.
This page last edited on January 20, 1998.