Raina N. Smith


 Laboratory Skills:

In addition to the equipment listed below, I have worked with and repaired high voltage power supplies, turbo and cryo high-vacuum pumps, electron guns, oscilloscopes, photomultipliers, x-ray diffractometers, rack mount signal-handling modules (bothNIM and CAMAC) including TDCs, ADCs, triggers, discriminators, amplifiers/preamps, fan-ins/fan-outs, NIM coincidence units, scalers/counters, and waveform digitizers. Knowledgeable of sample mounting and care, chemical handling, and other skills required by materials science/physical chemistry laboratories.

I am known as a very thorough experimenter possessing strong scientific report writing and presentation skills.

Computer Skills:

DOS/UNIX/LINUX operating systems, including Windows 9X, Windows NT workstation and server, and Windows Back Office Server. Strong hardware skills, including building servers/workstations and troubleshooting both hardware and software errors. Networking experience including entire network implementation, troubleshooting and CAT-5 wiring.

Approximately one year of non-professional experience programming in Java, C++, and Visual Basic. Experience in Fortran, Basic, Structured Query Language (SQL) and extensive macro writing. I also designed and operated two different web pages for over two years each and built/upgraded/maintained my own computers.

Physics Journal Papers:

  •    J.A. Carlisle, S.R. Blankenship, R.N. Smith, A. Chaiken, R.P. Michel, T. Van

  •      Buuren, L.J. Terminello, J.J. Jia, T.A. Callcott, D.L. Ederer, Electronic Structure and
         Crystalline Coherence in Fe/Si Multilayers, J. Cluster Sci. (in press). Download Preprint PDF (170KB)
  •    J.A. Carlisle, S.R. Blankenship, R.N. Smith, L.J. Terminello, T.A. Callcott, D.L.

  •      Ederer, Soft-x-ray fluorescence studies of solids, (Invited contribution to VUV
         conference, submitted to J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenon.). Download PDF (243KB)


    Senior Honor Student, Virginia Commonwealth University. Pursuing a B.S. in Physics with a minor in Mathematics.
    Member Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society
    Research Experiences for Undergrads in High Energy Physics – University of Chicago -- Summer ‘97
    President and Web Designer, Society of Physics Students, January ‘97 – September ‘98
    Secretary and Web Designer, Society of Physics Students, August ’96 – December ’96
    Member Golden Key National Honor Society
    Member Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society
    Top 1% of Freshman class
    Physics Department Service Award
    Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.8 out of a possible 4.0.

    Recent Work History:

    January ’99 – April ‘99



    Performed Windows NT network migrations and new deployments utilizing MS Back Office Server, MS Back Office Small Business Server, and MS Enterprise Server. Server / workstation building, upgrading and repair, including SCSI, multiprocessors and RAID hard drive arrays. Network CAT-5 wiring and planning. Clients included the Pamunkey Regional Library System (consisting of 10 diverse branch libraries), and many accounting firms, attorney’s offices, and other small-to-midsize companies in the central Virginia area.

    September ’98 – January ‘98



    Temporary position correcting database problems with a newly created (subcontracted) custom sales office database, created with Microsoft Access and Visual Basic. Set up all sales office laptop users for Remote Access Service (RAS) to the CIGNA LAN, including hardware installation and procedure documentation.

    January ’98 – August ‘98

    SURFACE SCIENCE RESEARCH LAB, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA



    Research Assistant working on publishable research on Iron/Silicon multilayered systems and Iron on Silicon (111) and (100) wafers. Performed experiment on the multilayered systems on beamline 8.0 at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Livermore National Lab in Berkeley, CA in August. Worked with Very High Vacuum systems, Reflective High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) analysis, Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) deposition of very thin layers, and all facets of mechanical and computer work integral to a research physics lab environment.

    June ’97 – August ’97




    Participated in a highly-selective NSF-funded program, Research Experiences for Undergrads (REU), at the University of Chicago High Energy Physics Group. Worked on optimization of a test drift chamber charged particle detector used in an experiment to study neutral kaon decay and parity violation. Improvements were to be utilized in the next run of the KTeV experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Illinois. Wrote minor FORTRAN programs and edited C++ code for instrument control programs in both UNIX and DOS environments.

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