Raina's Quantum Zone
Check your common sense at the door.
You are now entering The
Quantum Zone. No, this isn't the introduction to a bad episode of The
Twilight Zone. This is stranger than fiction; it's quantum physics!
Update Alert!! =)
Well, I finally drove my old 1987 Mazda RX-7 into
the ground like I always said I would, so come check out my
1996 Infinity G20!
My Mom sent me a digital picture of my
lovely, intelligent and incredibly sweet daughter Ashly!!! I
hope I can get some MORE pictures up of her soon!!

Kilian and my other characters are all a large part of 'me'
(Kilian even kinda looks like me =)... I moonlight as Kilian the woodelven
druid (used to be a warrior in beta), Jillian the human monk, and Luaidh
the half elven druid (and others) amongst excellent companions...including
Modius/Modari (who created this BEAUTIFUL logo for me! =), Myleign, Marduin,
Zappera, Fallon, Glaneon, Myrra, and Sammuel, as well as WAY too many others
to name, all very dear to me! Our core group is very tightknit...
honorable people who work really well together! I can't say enough
about this game...try it, live it, love it =) For more checkout either
the EverQuest site or EQVault.net.

Rose Gardening
My favorite roses are English Roses, one of which (Graham Thomas) is pictured
below. I was very excited this morning to wake up to two beautiful
blossoms! This is the first bloom of my 'Graham Thomas.' I
also immensely injoy my 'Heritage' rose, and a minature which is unidentified.
It is the only minature in the English Rose style, having full, flat-cupped
blossoms, about the shade of my 'Heritage' rose. If anyone else has
seen minatures like this and know any names or genealogy, please Email
me and let me know!
Here is a complete list of my current
rose varieties.
My 'Graham Thomas' English Rose
I have just accepted a contract position at Proctor&Gamble in Cincinnati,
OH to work in their surface science group on a part time basis while finishing
up my degree at Northern Kentucky University!!!
Woohoo!!! I am very excited about working at P&G and expanding
my knowledge of surface and material sceience for such a great company.
I start work on August 2nd! Wish me luck! =)
I completed most of my work at Virginia
Commonwealth University, most recently participating in research with
John Carlisle. I only have three more physics courses left to
take, and I am done with the math. That leaves all those general
education requirements I've been putting off in favour of the math/science
courses that I LOVE!!! I will be starting on those GenEd's this fall
so hopefully it will go quickly! =)
My research
at VCU was on Iron on Silicon (111) and Iron/Silicon multilayers created
by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). We went to the
Light Source (ALS) in Berkley, California the first week of August
1998 and analyzed some of these multilayers, with different thicknesses
and deposition temperatures. We were on Beamline 8.0.
Below is a Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) pattern
I took of the Silicon (111) 7x7 reconstructed surface.
RHEED Image of Si (111) 7x7 Clean Surface
I also worked extensively on the ESCA
system (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis) trying to get
it in operational order. It is always having one problem or another.
Every day, something new...<sigh>... We had planned on using it
to do sputter-depth charicterization of the multilayers before we went
to the ALS, but it stubbornly refused to cooperate with us.
Our (&@%#$) ESCA System ;)

Other Stuff
You Are Visitor Number
since January 26, 1998.
Please feel free to drop me a line at raina@one.net.
can't promise I'll respond quickly, but your emails are always appreciated.
This page last edited on October 29, 1999.
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