
Martin Pechanec's
Prague - The Heart of Europe

Professional Interests
Space Shuttle

Actual Information

If you want to see more than the engraved picture of Prague in 1830, here are the options:

  • Resume - my professional resume. It also includes links related to my professional and also personal activities which includes ASIC digital design, hardware design for error correction coding, microcomputer hardware and software design and development, firmware design, microprocessor and digital logic design and embedded design with emphasis on practical applications. I am particularly interested in applied research, design, and development of hardware for error correction coding for digital communications and data storage as well as digital signal processing and digital wireless communications and applied electronics, and frequency synthesis. My other interests are in software development in the UNIX environment in C, X-Windows and Motif, especially in the QNX real-time version of UNIX.
  • Interests - some projects and links to pages related to my professional interests: Digital logic and microcomputer hardware design, software development, frequency synthesis, both PLL and DDS, digital radio communications, error correction coding, digital signal processing, and others. Special pages of interest:

    • Completely Configurable Transmitter - project which I finished in summer 1998. Universal digital transmitter unit capable of generating almost any I/Q modulation at up to 40Msamples/s with very flexible and configurable pulse shaper, 60Ms/s when the pulse shaper is bypassed. Built around Xilinx FPGA the transmitter can be configured for many data transmitting and modulation tasks like multi-user CDMA transmitter, spread spectrum jammer, and many others. The transmitter is designed as a stand-alone unit, not a PC plug-in board. Primary goal was to design a unit which could be used for testing new modulation schemes and methods. If it sounds interesting, there is much more detail description.

    • New! Updated: Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) simulator with graphic user interface for MATLAB, available for both MS Windows and UNIX. There are also key DDS references and other links related to the frequency synthesis.

      After 10 years in a drawer I finally put a paper Output Spectrum of a Direct Digital Synthesizer on the web.

    • Get Away Special Space Shuttle experiment - see also bellow.
  • Pictures - my photographs and pictures I like and links to nice picture sites, primarily wildlife and nature (also my picture, if you like).
  • Hobbies - information and links related to my hobbies: Radio ham license OK1DOP since 1984, traveling, photography, psychology, astrology, mathematics, practical electronics, radio communications, computers, good movies.
  • Travel - recent journeys and links related to travel.
  • Prague - my home town, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Photos and links related to Prague and the Czech Republic in general.
  • Miscellany - miscellaneous topics and links to other interesting sites on the Internet, like search engines, White and Yellow pages, software resources, etc.

  • HotInfo - actual information, messages for friends, and a form if you want to leave a message directly from your web browser.

Moc hezka suvicka!

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