This is a thermal infrared image of the creator of
The Cosmic Mirror, yours truly,
Daniel Fischer. It was taken in 1996 with
state-of-the-art thermography equipment by
Georg Dittié. The colors
or grey levels, resp., represent surface temperatures.
At the bottom the temperature is displayed with a simple grey scale,
black representing cold and white representing warm (not so say, hot)
areas. At the top a look-up-table appropriately named HEAT is used,
in which the color scale progresses from Black over Red and Yellow to
White. This LUT is very popular in astronomy these days as it
increases the number of 'colors' between black and white as compared
to a simple grey scale, but still allows the direct recognition of
what's dark and what's bright (the [in-]famous rainbow-like PSEUDOCOLOR
LUT fails in the latter respect).
By the way: visible-light images of yours truly can be found in a
report from Arizona, in this
photo from 1998, and in Sky & Telescope of Nov. 1997, p.81.